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Perspektiven beruflicher Fortbildung von Archivarinnen und Archivaren im 21. Jahrhundert
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Under the title "Perspectives of professional training for archivists in the 21st century" five regional and supraregional archival institutions from Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg and the Netherlands seek to build up an e-learning-platform with content for archival training in four languages. During former meetings, where the management of the partner institutions discussed several aspects of records management and archival practice, the issue of an adequate training of the staff in archives gained increasing importance. On the one hand legal regulations create a more an more sophisticated job profile with specific requirements, on the other hand the change from analogue to digital records needs new proficiency that has to be updated in reducing terms. In opposite there is only a small offer of professional archival training that operates in a traditional learning environment and doesn't use modern e-learning methods. Therefore it seemed rational for the partners of a geographically consistent European region with similar cultural and historical roots (and as a result correspondent historical sources) to start a joint project to improve archival practice and to support the development of professional standards. In this pilot project the partners want to gain expieriences in the use of e-learning methods in archival training and to build up an internetplatform that later can be used by other institutions of archival education to create new content and other archives for training activities, too. All the partners offer at least consulting services and some are responsible for regional trainings for archives inside their geographical jurisdiction and have close contact to colleagues of municipal and state archives as well as archives of other public and private institutions, for example nonprofit associations, clubs, companies or religious societies. As a first topic to realize in an e-learning environment the partners choose preservation and conservation, a central function of all institutions that are responsible for the protection of cultural heritage. Therefore all partners can contribute materials and experience that will be prepared for e-learning activities by professional e-trainers. The content will be published in Dutch, English, German and French. The target groups are the staff of the partners, the colleagues inside their geographical jurisdiction and last but not least archival personnel in other archives of the partner countries. Especially for small and medium sized archives with small manning level it often means to close their archive if they want to participate on a traditional archival training activity. An e-learning provides the partners more flexibility and independence in training. Nevertheless the 6-8 persons who are consigned to realize the project will improve their skills in e-learning and e-training which will be useful to continue and develop the e-learning platform after the end of the Erasmus+ project. To put the project into execution the partners will organise regular meetings (6-8 during the 2 years project period), they will install a virtual workspace for the periods between the meetings and they want to authorize professional e-trainers, who at best have experience in humanistic sciences or cultural learning. The partners already met three times to prepare the project and set the base for a trustful cooperation. Their main interest is to create the first training content "preservation and conservation" and use it to build up and start the e-learning platform. The result will be presented to a broad archival public in an expert conference with archivists from the partner countries and other interested colleagues who discuss the question of appropriate options for professional life-long archival training in general and the potential of e-learning methods in particular. There the partners hope to win new supporters for future development of an e-learning platform for archival training.

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4 Partners Participants