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Personalentwicklung und -qualifizierung an der Europaschule OBS Jade
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The „Oberschule Jade“ is a school in an economically underdeveloped coastal area of the commune Jade and puts a high priority on strengthening the european profile. Since 2009 the school regularly takes part in the educational program Comenius/Erasmusplus and in european activities, like the european day of languages. An important concern of the school is to be tolerant, cosmopolitan and reflected. That’s why the school wants to qualify their pupils to cope with the globalisation, that needs qualified teachers.In the centre of the qualification of the six teachers there will be the following topics: improvement of the competence of the staff members, cross-cultural competence, further development of the european curriculum and improvement in language skills. In addition to this request the school wants to aspire to develop a concept for an advanced training. For the period of applying for the title „Europaschule in Niedersachsen“ the willing to fix the European profile to the school`s program had been commited by all committees of the school and it had also been put down in writing in the school`s curricula. Though the Europe-Curriculum still has weak points there`s the need of continuous improvement processes and its establishment. Until reapplying for the title in 2019 the project intends on optimisation of the European profile and it aims to engross the thought of European dimension by exchanging the gained experiences of teachers who took part in task LA1 to their colleagues at the OBS Jade to initiate and to assure the readiness to further education of the fellow teachers. Furthermore there is the need to strengthen the intercultural competences of two teachers who are going to take part in an advanced education to establish and to teach in a „Sprachlernklasse“ (a class for pupils with no or not enough language competence in German).For the period of the project the headmaster and teachers focus on special key skills of intercultural competences. Therefor they should get the possibility to attend further education which last five days. Priority is given to the head of the school, the „Europakoordinatorin“, teachers who are responsible for school exchange projects and teachers who are responsible for the faculty languages and „Sprachlernklasse“.
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