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Peer Aktive- education & cross mentoring
Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Jan 3, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The increasing pluralisation of our society previously touched upon - the demographic change, migration, individualisation and globalisation - presents specialised social organisations on the national and international stage with huge challenges. Particularly in Europe, a continent with a great deal of immigration and population movement, it's important to devise innovative, practical approaches to social work with children, adolescents and adults to be successful. Communication, cooperation and the exchange of experiences and expertise between the various organisations at the international level play a major role in this. All of the organisations involved in the "Peer Aktiv education & cross mentoring" expert exchange use sport as a platform to facilitate access to the target groups. In this regard, all of the participants exhibit a high level of expertise in the field of educational social work, which allows for a high quality exchange of ideas that can in turn form the basis of a successful practical action plan in the future. Sport plays an important role here as it appeals to all social strata and target groups and has the ability to break down obstacles, such as language barriers. As one of these specialised social organisations and host of the expert exchange, this is the area the Deutsche Soccer Liga [German Soccer League] would like to address. Besides exchanging experiences and networking, the focus of this project should be on forging a plan to deal with out-group hostility. This two-day seminar, involving four partners from Spain, Wales, Romania and Hungary, is the first step in the process. It will involve ten multipliers from each partner organisation, who will then be instrumental in devising, executing and following up on theme-related projects in their respective countries. The discussion will focus on the following key aspects: • swapping personal experiences, approaches and actual cases • reflecting on how hostile attitudes in sport has been reacted to and dealt with in the past and • developing viable courses of action and selected training modules that the organisations can use for the purpose of internal training on perspectives. This will be performed using a variety of methods (that have proven highly successful in the past). It's important that all the project participants play an active role is this. Interactive exercises, work in small groups and whole-group discussions will be held to present the topic in an interesting and practically oriented manner. The centrepiece of the project will be a sports module, to be run by the participants, which will provide them with the perfect change in perspective and thus facilitate access to their target groups who find themselves in just this position. This is where the German Soccer League's Street Soccer Module comes in, as it makes this change in perspective easier by providing a specially designed set of rules. In this way, it represents realistic exclusion and discrimination scenarios that can be of great help to the multipliers when it comes to designing future projects or becoming involved in existing projects. The practical module has already proved highly successful on many occasions with young people, teachers and parents. The project has the following objectives: - Further training in the area of fair play and respect - To accumulate information based on the experiences gathered from similar projects in other countries - To become familiar with the action plans developed to tackle "out-group hostility" - To achieve an increased level of confidence when it comes to resolving conflicts in the field of youth social work - To utilise the action plans for one's own training purposes with multipliers - To serve as input for one's own project work with young people or other peer groups The results of the expert exchange will be documented and made available to participants in the follow-up phase. The long-term benefit should not be lost sight of in the process. All partners will continue working together and endeavour to swap their experiences on an ongoing basis. The established network also allows the content and results of the expert exchange to be shared with other partners at the national and international level. In so doing, this expert exchange represents a further step towards establishing a transparent and constructive working relationship between specialised social organisations at the European level, and whose results will become incorporated into multiple projects of the participants.
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4 Partners Participants