European Projects
PeeKaBoo: improving key competences while working ..
PeeKaBoo: improving key competences while working with children
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Nov 30, 2017
“PeeKaBoo: improving key competences while working with children” is a long term EVS mobility that will take place in Ilhavo (Portugal) during 11 months, starting from October 2016. Receiving organization is Maternura association whose main goal is promoting, strengthening and supporting the maternal skills of women/mothers of Ilhavo and surroundings. It’s our intention to make an EVS project with two participants (young people from 18 to 30 years of age), one from Hungary and one from Romania (sending organizations are our partners ReCreativity and GEYC). Agoraveiro’s role is coordination of the EVS project. Volunteers will be chosen having in mind their motivation, profiles, background and eventual fewer opportunities. During 11 months of activity volunteers would be involved in a series of daily activities of Maternura, involving preparation of healthy food for babies, helping in nursery, developing activities with older children (up to 6 years of age), organizing and leading art workshops, English lessons, yoga and outdoor activities, promotion and development of events and developing their own ideas for events, activities etc. They will be encouraged to develop any idea that is connected with work of Maternura and that will be estimated to help its work and/or develop new skills and competences of volunteers. A typical week of volunteers will include various activities such are: On Mondays they will helping in preparation of snacks and juices for children and parents in the morning and develop activities with children in the afternoons.On Tuesday mornings they will spend time outdoors (if the weather is nice) and play with children and animals, assisting the staff in the pedagogical process. They also will teach children English or develop other cultural workshops with them. In the afternoon they will work on updates for the site and undertake other tasks when it comes to communication. Afterwards they will have Portuguse classes.On Wednesdays they will work promotion and development of events of Maternura / helping in the nursery and kindergarten when needed work with children/taking part in artistic workshops like painting, music, acting, English classes... On Thursdays they will be spending time outdoors, helping with animals, spending time with children on outdoor activities. In the afternoon they will have time to develop their own ideas and activities.On Fridays they will be helping with online promotion of Maternura, creating content for the site, organize small events and in the afternoon accompany collaborators while they work with children: helping to feed, take care and help developing pedagogical activities with children from 4 months to 6 years old, joining and assisting organization of workshops and activities. Through this project we are aiming to make (the biggest) impact on volunteers, organizations involved and on local community. Firstly, through all the activities and experience of working in intercultural environment, volunteers will gain competences such as improving their communication skills and social and civic competence as well as other competences relevant to their personal and professional development, like for example scientific competence when it comes to pedagogy and psychology. They will gain experience in working with children in the unique and stimulative environment, and they will be encouraged to raise awareness and regularly reflect on their learning process (through evaluations and Youthpass). This learning process will be guided by non-formal education methods: learning by doing and experiencing, workshops, peer learning, work in pairs or work in groups.Receiving organization will receive young people eager to learn more, to help in everyday activities and to freshen up daily work with new ideas. Coordinating organization will gain a new relevant experience in project management, but also provide volunteers with all practical information, support for their activities etc. Sending organizations will, after 11 months, have among their staff or volunteers experienced young people who can, we believe, add a great value to their future work. Local community will profit from all the activities that will be organized for them by our volunteers. This will also be a great opportunity to spread the word about EVS and other Erasmus+ activities among local people of a small town where it will all take place.Regarding practicalities, Agoraveiro, as organization already experienced in Erasmus+ program, will do or help to Maternura with administrative work such as taking care of travel arrangements, accommodation, money related issues, EVS training circle, language courses, evaluations and any additional guidance. Also, both Maternura's and Agoraveiro’s platforms will be used in promotion of the project, as there is space for sharing information about all the activities and their outcomes on organizational website and social media profiles.