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Pedagogical and andragogical competencies for VET trainers and teachers

The PAC.TT project is based on enhancing of teachers and trainers’ Pedagogical and Andragogical Competences. In this context Training Methodology for Trainers and Pedagogical and Andragogical Competences (PAC) are understood as main tool for preparing teachers and trainers to be aware of different competencies required to this function and at the same time to be conscious of the importance to promote 8 key competences, “green attitudes” and life long learning attitudes in their trainees and students. With PAC methodologies and tools, VET trainers and teachers became knowledge mediators and brokers (instead of knowledge transfers) that must be able to encourage new “knowledge surfers” in information society and green economy as well as promote the balance of different individual needs and talents, under an inclusive and empowering context. The PAC.TT project consortium consists of 6 VET partners – PT, 2xTR, CZ, LV and BG - , all of which have admirable experiencies on European projects. In none of those countries these methodologies exists and each partner has specific expertise in key project areas, access to VET trainers and teachers and contacts with national and European VET networks, all of whom have expressed interest in following and helping to dissemination of the project.This project facilitates the development of innovative practises in the field of VET by: selecting and adapting PAC contents to the needs of the target group; translating it into each partner language; creating national PAC tool box according country’ reality and specificities; piloting PAC contents; creating a network of high-performing VET trainers and teachers; developing an European profiles for VET trainer based on EQF and ECVET systems.We intend that training courses were promoted in all countries to more than 48 VET trainers and teachers and afterwards more than to 200 VET organizations. It is estimated that in each country it is possible to integrate these products into their own National Strategic Reference Framework, meaning, that more than 500 VET promoters can, in the next 3 years, freely use these products as a training reference.
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5 Partners Participants