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Pazarlama ve Perakendecilikte Avrupa Standartlarına Erişim
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Marketing departments have the greatest influence on the success of companies and organizations. The individuals working at the marketing departments are the ones who puts money to the companies bank accounts, provides the continuation of the product in the market and manage the brand value and relation with the agencies. In other words, they accomplish the most challenging part of the job. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to improve our marketing and retail department’s students’ professional, personal, cultural, philological skills and to integrate these skills into our organizational structure in order to develop the quality of education and training at school. Our school previously started a vocational training mobility project, approved by the National Agnecy of Turkey, in 2015 with the participation of students from accounting, finance and bureau management department. Our school intends to increase the efficiency of marketing and retail department’s students’ skills with the presented project. It is known almost by everyone that the vocational training given in our country falls behind modern age requirements and the application areas are also inadequate. However, technological developments never stop and innovative marketing techniques are becoming connected to these improvements. Therefore it is compulsory that these developments be followed. During the project, the participants will be taught on technological knowledge and innovations regarding their field at European standards and practical skills will be acquired by the students. The students’ level of foreign language (English) will be improved both through the preparation phase language practice works and practical language use during the mobility trainings. They will become employees who can communicate in a foreign language, which is almost required by any sector in today’s modern world. The certificates that will be granted to the student will be directly related to their professional development and will make the acquired skills more visible. The project will be carried out by Hamdibey Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School between 01 September 2016 and 31 July 2017. The methodology to be used by our school in order to maximize the quality and productivity will include charts, planning, performance indicators, swat analyses, analyses of assessment and evaluation, reports, presentations and questionnaires. The participant profile will consist of 10th, 11th or 12 grade students from the related department and the students will be selected among the ones who have high level of English proficiency, high motivation and loyalty in their branch. The activity details can be stated as follows:First Internship ProgramForeign Partner: Austria Europäischer KuturvereinDates : 11February 2017 and 24 February 2017Department: Marketing and RetailTopic: Develop quality and standardization Number of Students: 16 students from 10th, 11th and 12th grades with 2 accompanying teachers. Program Details: The participants will join programs such as standardization, international standardization, EU accreditation systems, quality, developing quality, total quality management, quality development and standardization applications of especially Austria and Europe, learning the English vocabulary for such applications, and etc. Second Internship Program: Foreign Partner: Lithuania UAB "Globalios idėjos"Dates : 01 April 2017 and 14 April 2017Department : Marketing and RetailTopic : RetailingNumber of Participants : 16 students from 10th, 11th, and 12th grade with 2 accompanying teachers. Program Details : The participant will join programs such as the concept of retailing, management rules, delivery, product and service, communications, management strategies, branding in retailing and image, comparisons between Europe and Turkey, and etc. The project based relations with European Union will enable our students to improve their professional and philological skills, to increase their opportunities for employment, to transfer innovative applications to our school, developing the quality of teaching and learning organization and to create positive contributions in the organizational structure of our school. The samples of applications in European countries will be transferred to our school and these training materials will be shared by the teachers and students at our school in the long term. Through maintaining relations with Europe our school will own an international entity and education and training programs will be kept up to date thanks to the continuing interaction with Europe.
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