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Partnership Event: Stronger Youth Exchanges in Scouting
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of the project: International dimension is an important element of Scouting and many exchanges are already taking place. However, there is lack of international opportunities for young people in some European countries. In others, the quality of the international mobility experiences needs to be improved. In general, more young people should benefit from international educational opportunities. Objectives of the project: The project aims to increase international education to young people in Scouting by increasing exchange opportunities, preparing young people better for intercultural exchanges and rethink the international partnerships in order to offer international opportunities for a larger number of young people. Number and profile of participants: The seminar part of the project will involve 50 young people, whose role is to facilitate international educational activities in their respective national organisations. Indirectly, the project is expected to increase the international educational activities for the over 1 million young people who are involved in the partner organisations. Description of activities: The main activity of the project will be a 3-day seminar in March 2015 in the Netherlands. The seminar will focus on: management of international exchanges and partnerships; educational value of international exchanges; and European opportunities for mobility. The seminar will generate follow-up projects, notably concerning - Development of e-learning modules to prepare young people for exchanges abroad and for encountering other cultures - The use of the “Erascout” concept to increase local level twinning to open up international opportunities to more young people. - International partnerships as an educational tool for intercultural learning Methodology to be used in carrying out the project: An international planning team will manage the project. It will prepare the programme of the seminar and support the participants. The seminar will use non-formal education methods, including work in peer groups. Follow-up projects will be planned and implemented. A short description of the results and impact envisaged: The seminar will equip the young people with new skills and knowledge on how to manage international exchanges. The partner organisations will gain new partnerships and new tools to prepare for international exchanges and for twinning on the local level. Ultimately, the 1 million young people involved in the partner organisations will experience increased and improved mobility opportunities. Potential longer-term benefits: Increased international opportunities for young people will foster intercultural awareness, tolerance and European citizenship. It will increase the employability of young people in an increasingly international and intercultural labour market. Overall, the project will raise the quality of youth mobility in Europe via the dissemination of the outcomes to other youth organisations.

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