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Partnerkontaktseminar - Berufliche Chancen und Perspektiven für junge EU-Zuwanderer/-innen eröffnen
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Due to the high youth unemployment in their countries of origin and the lack of perspective, an increasing number of young people emigrate from Southern Europe to Germany in order to start a vocational education. In November 2014, youth unemployment rate was 54 % in Spain, 50 % in Greece and 44 % in Italy. In contrast to that, the youth unemployment rate was only 7 % in Germany (which is the lowest within the European Union). At the same time, there are several branches in Germany, which can't find qualified trainees. This is especially true for the craft sector, the elderly care and the hotel business. As a result, German enterprises are recruiting young people from these countries for vocational education in Germany. However, practical experiences show that more than a few of those young migrants from within the European Union abandon their vocational education in Germany and therefore do need more individual support. Therefore, the aim of the project with the title "Initializing Job Opportunities for Young Migrants Within the European Union" was to discuss together with the partner organisations from the countries of origin and Germany on the chances and limits of preparing and assisting those young migrants before and during their vocational training. The Meeting took place in Frankfurt between 19 and 21 May 2015. Partner organisations from Germany, Italy and Spain were involved in the project.All of them are working with young people, assisting and imparting them on the transition from school to work. In all, 17 specialists in youth (social) work participated in this meeting/project. At the beginning of the project/meeting, there was a presentation on the circumstances of young people in the countries of origin and Germany (e.g. situation on the labor market and vocational training market, cultural and social diversities), which was supplemented by the participants. This was followed by working groups, which discussed different Topics (e.g. brainstorming on the definition of "disadvantaged young people" and on the question, why German enterprises recruit young people from EU-countries). The consultation focussed on the needs and problems of young migrants from EU-countries and which kind of assistance and preparation already exists respectively has to be established both in their countries of orgin as well as in Germany before and during their vocational training. In this context it was discussed, how the existing Au-pair-program could be extended for the preparation of young migrants from EU-countries, who aim to start a vocational training afterwards. The conference was concluded with an agreement on further cooperation and the desire for close networking. Within the scope of a new Erasmus+ Project ("Key Action 2: Stratetic Partnerships"), which was applied on 1st of October 2015, the majority of the involved partner organisations wants to work together to develop standards for the assistance of young migrants from EU-countries both before and during their vocational training. Due to the application, the aim of the meeting has been achieved: (transnational) Partner organisations for the intended joint project, which should start in January 2016, have been found. In addition to that, specialists in youth (social) work from the countries of origin and Germany were connected to each other and a common exchange has been enabled.
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6 Partners Participants