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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Lycée Louis Blériot is a vocational school which specializes in training for the service industry (private companies, local authorities and private individuals). It is located in an urban environment in the Yvelines department, in a town called Trappes, a former railwaymen's town and has many working-class estates housing an under-privileged population. The school received the title « Site d'Excellence » in the government's Espoirs Banlieue plan due to the school's scholastic difficulties or difficulties resulting from the town's negative image, but also because of the school's results record which is more than honourable considering the personal situations of a lot of the students. 322 students receive professional training from a year 10 introductory training class to a vocational baccalauréat. This is the 5th year running that the school has undertaken a European mobility project. A training period in Cyprus or England will be proposed to 10 volunteer students from our 3 final year baccalauréat classes. They are preparing a vocational baccalauréat in Digital Electronic Systems, Industrial Maintenance or Electrotechnics. This project, culture and a window on the world, is part of the school project. Our students leave with professional skills attained at previous training periods. They already have 20 weeks of on-the-job training. This experience is a guarantee of a successful integration into an English or Cypriote working environment and will enable the students to assess the similarities and differences to the French system and to acquire new working methods. This project will mark the end of their on-the-job training. Working and living abroad will reinforce their linguistic abilities and enrich their European cultural activities with the aim of positionning themselves on the European job market and will give them more autonomy. Our aims are as follows : Students' aims : On a professional level to acquire new skills and techniques to enrich their CV for the French or European job markets to improve their employability On a personal level to improve their use of English to gain in autonomy by living and working abroad to improve their knowledge of others Educational aims : to reinforce interdisciplinary work by criss-crossing different subjects to involve even more students to stimulate the class to mobilize the students around a new project The school's aims : to create a network of partners abroad to reinforce ties with the students' families to enhance the school's image to open the school up to the ouside world We will be working with the same partners, the Centre Ressources du Rectorat de Versailles in France for its logistic support and with the Training Partnership Limited in Torquay in England. We are adding a new destination this year, Cyprus, in order to enable students with a weaker level of English to take part. These 2 partners abroad will have the job of finding lodgings and work places for the students (host families in England and appartment hotels in Cyprus) and, in Cyprus, organizing the language course before the training period begins. They will represent the school physically when the teachers aren't on the spot, they will visit the trainees at their places of work and will be in regular contact with us. A management team comprised of the head teacher, an English teacher, the school manager and the student supervisor will manage the project and make sure everything goes smoothly. They will publicize the project both inside and outside the school, each one using his or her own professional network. At school our volunteer students will benefit from 2 hours extra language and cultural tuition per week and per year. This time will be spent writing a cv and covering letter, strengthening their language skills and carrying out research on Cyprus and England, organizing an exhibition, introducing them to the Greek alphabet and learning polite phrases in Greek. We will create a blog and keep it up to date. On their return a ceremony will be organized to present the students with their Europass certificates and enhance the status of their experience. They will give a »press conference » to the younger students to encourage them to undertake the same mobility in turn. The results expected from this experience are that our students be satisfied and delighted with the training period and that they make other students want to live the same thing. The team of teachers would continue to expand, working together, and we would like tocreate a European Section in our school. In the long term we would like to break our school's bad image and show everyone that students who study there can succeed and become young European citizens.
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