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Participatory Immigration Policy Making and Harmonization based on Collaborative Web2.0 Technologies (ImmigrationPolicy2.0)
Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ImmigrationPolicy2.0 will take advantage of state-of-the-art ICT technologies (notably Web2.0, Web Services, Business Process Modelling and policy models) in order to pilot a range of citizen-centric services, which facilitate the participation of citizens in the migration policy development process, while at the same time boosting the harmonization of migration policies and actions across EU countries. Hence, the project will provide a motivating and user-friendly environment empowering legal residents with a migration background (legal immigrants and children of migrants) participation in the policy making process. Accordingly the project will pilot services targeting both citizens legal residents with a migration background and decision makers, in particular:• Empower public administrators, politicians and decision makers to work and collaborate towards a harmonized E.U. migration policy. The services will support the above user groups in drafting immigration policy text, develop and test policy models, evaluate scenarios ("what-if" process), as well as harmonizing policy text.• Facilitate citizens legal ressidents (societal group of immigrants) with migration background in order to be able to get informed and evaluate various migration-related proposals and policies, while also expressing their feelings and opinions about the policies under development. The process will involve the development of new models for citizens' legal residents' participation, as well as the collection and analysis of collaborative input from multiple citizens.Overall the project will involve at least 850 users (i.e. 5740 citizens (including immigrants) and 50110 policy makers, decision-makers, public administrators and politicians) in four different countries (namely Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy).The pilot services of the project will be offered over a centralized, collaborative, trustful migration platform (conveniently called ImmigrationPolicy2.0 platform) enabling users (i.e. policy makers, politicians, decision makers, citizens) to identify, model, visualise, analyse and evaluate national migration policies, practices, monitor and accordingly harmonise easily their procedures and data formats relateding to their economic activities and documents involved (e.g. civil status documents i.e. (e.g. residence permits/certificates, work permits, civil status certificates, family unification certificates).
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