European Projects
Parteneriat european pentru dobandirea de competen..
Parteneriat european pentru dobandirea de competente cheie si abilitati practice in domeniul electric
Start date: Sep 15, 2016,
End date: Jan 14, 2018
The project entitled "European Partnership for the Acquisition of Key Competences and Practical Skills in the Electric Field" covers a period of 18 months and aims to offer our students a valid alternative for practical education to increase the quality of professional training, in order to increase career opportunities and employability. Project Objectives:O1. The development of key ECVET transferable competences like "Training for workplace integration" and "The transition from school to work", and of some practical abilites that lay the foundation of electrical field training. O2. The facilitation of students' adaptation to various professional, social and cultural environments by improving communication skills in English and developing specific democratic values and attitudes. O3. Achieving a long lasting partnership with European providers to ensure quality professional training for students and increase occupational mobility for future graduates. Within our college (with a long tradition in labour force training in electrical-energetic field) the classes in this field are mainly in the educational offer and the practice partners have limited ability to receive and supervise the students (maximum five students), being more interested in vocational school students. Therefore, 10th grade high-school students' training is carried out in the school's profile laboratories with obsolete equipment and the contact with the economic unit and real work doesn't exist. The project's target group are 30 10th grade high-school students with technical profile in the Electric field. The project should provide the conduicting a 60 hours practical training, out of the total of 90 hours of the CDL optional module "Applications of the Electric Equipment", approved in the curriculum according to O. M.E.C.T.S. 3331/ 25.02.2010. The partners in this project are: The Technical College Dimitrie Leonida Iasi as a beneficiary, Syco SL from Granada and Barceltehnica from Barcelos as host organizations, and M.E.P. Europrojects Granada S.L. - Spain and Amigos de Mobilidade from Barcelos - Portugal as intermediating organizations. The placement will be conducted in two streams of 15 students per stream (one in Portugal and one in Spain), in March and November 2017. The placement will last 14 days, from which 10 days of actual practice. The team, coordinated by the project manager, will handle the implementation of the project through all its stages: the selection of participants, their training, organizing transport, accommodation and cultural program, implementation of mobility, performance evaluation to determine the necessary corrections, dissemination and capitalization of project results. During the internship students will gather information about the structure of the organization, workplace and skills required by the job. The students will perform practical, will practice their English communication skills, will assume responsibility for the task received and will follow the safety regulations in the workplace. In their free time they will visit cultural and historical sites from Barcelos/ Granada. The expected results for the 30 participants in the mobility are:• The acquisition of key competences concerning "Training for workplace integration" and "The transition from school to work", ECVET acknowledged and transferred;• The acquisition of general technical skills in the electrical field, which is a necessary condition of access to qualifications in the fields of Technician in electrical installations, Auto electrician electronics technician • Developing the abilities to orient their careers and to outline an educational path; • Improving communication skills in a foreign language, digital and ICT usage skills, civic and social skills and entrepreneurial skills;• Forming an attitude of respect towards European values and promoting intercultural dialogue.Some of them will materialize in time through certification examination results and the degree of employability. Expected tangible rezults are:• A collection of internship portfolios with daily worksheets and evaluation samples accompanied by rating scales that can be used during the practical training; • A booklet containing project information and project advertising materials;• A project presentation board at school level;• Exhibition of photos taken during the two streams of placement;• A practice guide containing the daily practical work and evaluation samples that will later be used in practical work carried out in partnership with economical agents;• The national Symposium "Dimitrie Leonida" Iasi, on "The opportunities offered by participating in ERASMUS + programs".