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Partenariat transfrontalier basque Saint Jean Pied de Port - Estella
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

-context: the two communes of Estella and Saint Jean Pied de Port, one in Navarre (Spain), the other in Lower Navarre (France), are both located in the basque linguistic area. In 2014, the two towns will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their twinning; -To build on the existing cross-border cooperation in order to infuse it with a new impetus, involving the youth of both towns in a made-to-measure non-formal educational project; -- A total of 34 participants comprising 15 young people and 2 supervisors from each commune, with an equal number of young men and women. 6 JAMO; - description of activities: they meet the dual objective of developing the participants' knowledge of the Basque culture (and language) and of creating real-life situations to encourage the participants from both groups to get to know each other better.. -The main thrust of the chosen methodology is to be constantly attentive to the young people before and during their stay so as to adapt the activities to their expectations, and once their stay is over to register their observations, criticisms and proposals in order to make the best possible use of the exchange and to facilitate its possible repetition. The expected impact is threefold: On the young participants and on their acquaintances, friends, families and fellow students; On the two twinned towns; On the two partner municipal authorities; On the regional authorities on both sides of the border (local authorities, local government and associations;. Above all, the aim is to develop reflection and to open up new perspectives. The outcome will involve a long-term evaluation of the positive impact of the approach. -The expected potential outcome will be to dispel a number of preconceptions and even mental blocks, to nurture a network of relations intended further to develop, on the basis of the partners' mutual desire better to know each other with as its consequence the establishment and strengthening of economic and cultural exchanges.
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