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Partager son engagement au sein d'un volontariat collectif
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Partager son engagement au sein d'un volontariat collectif" aims to enable a group of 6 young French volunteers with Fewer Opportunity to take part to a short term European Voluntary Service in Romania. They will fulfill their 2 month voluntary mission in Act Integration association in Drobeta Turnu Severin.The volunteers will work as cultural and sports facilitators while promoting Inclusion and Fight against discriminations among young Romanians. Non-formal education will be central in the activities proposed and links will be organised with formal educational system. The group of volunteers will aim to find ways how to implicate youngsters in the activities they will propose, to boraden their horizon by introducing them to new cultures and experiences, by giving them positive examples, and possibilities to learn by practicing. Besides, there are several objectives to this project: - To enable a diversity of young people coming from different cultural and geographical backgrounds (urban disadvatanged areas, rural areas...) to discover together volunteer work and the commitment it implies, and to get involved in a project fighting discrimnations and in favour of intercultural exchanges.- To create a group dynamic where each individual can find its place and role, and maintain this dynamic all along the project, from the preparation until the dissemination of the project results.- To live a positive experience and to give confidence to young unemployed and low qualified adults (Youth with Fewer Opportunities)- To give them the opportunity to develop new skills in order to increase autonomy and maturity, - To discover a new culture and to make possible intercultural exchanges benefitting to volunteers and the local community, enabling thus to break the prejudices between France and Romania.- To raise awareness about Europe among young people, and more particularly about European citizenship, - To discover volunteering and to find a dynamic way to change their life and develop commitment,We propose to each young adult a reinforced mentoring before, during and after the mobility process, and more particularly a support through individual appointments and collective workshops. This makes youngsters feel they are supported during their mobility, and they can live the experience in a secured framework. The Project Manager, the Civic Service Volunteers and former EVS volunteers will be mobilised during the reinforced mentoring. There are many benefits for a young adult to do an EVS in terms of personal and professional development. By the way, planning a project, building it step by step and realising it are a big source of pride for the volunteer. It enables him to develop self-confidence, assertiveness and to believe in his capacities.He learns how to manage difficult situations, how to live within a community and how to be independent. Such an experience helps him to build his own future and to think about his personal situation. It's a non formal education and a step which generally triggers a change in the volunteer's life, particulary in the case of young adults with Fewer Opportunities. They come back with a positive dynamic and are more motivated, more ready to invest time again in their personal and professional project or in a training. They will learn new ways of working and getting committed, but also how to communicate. They will be able to adapt themselves in several situations and it will bring a great advantage for them in terms of inclusion. The investment of some of them could create opportunities to make new contacts and create a network. They will also realize they form part of Europe, which will encourage their citizen spirit and will open doors that were unknown before the mobility.

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