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Parcours européens à la rencontre de patrimoines culturels et culinaires faisant partie des fondations de l'Europe de demain European cultural and culinary heritage programme which form part of the foundations of the Europe of tomorrow
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The positive outcome of several years of European and International exchanges (with the Leonardo programme) has strongly encouraged our vocational school to apply for the Erasmus + programme. It would firstly allow us to further our school's excellent reputation and official status as an internationally-oriented Vocational School. Moreover, we wish to continue to offer our learners a unique experience and enable them to improve their knowledge and adaptability, both in the professional and linguistic fields. We also endeavour to raise our students' awareness of their European citizenship. This project includes both the Catering and Customer Service sections in our school; the sixty learners who will benefit from this exchange opportunity come from various social and cultural backgrounds: they would go abroad during the second or final year of their three-year vocational high school programme. The varied activities aimed at preparing such a project have been developed beforehand and will take place during three different types of classes: Professional practice, Non-Linguistic Subject and European Section Language lessons. Besides, our global strategy includes several visits and events: to the European Parliament, the Jean Monnet House, the European week and its final Gala... We have followed a rigorous procedure. First, we have organized a piloting committee: each member has a well-defined role. We allow all the first-year ("Seconde") students, in both vocational sections, to get involved in our exchange project. The pupils who show the greatest motivation and commitment will be students in the "European Section" the following year and will take part in the exchange programme. Several destinations are proposed: Dingle and Dublin in Ireland, and both Prague and Ostrava in the Czech Republic. The whole process of transfer and accommodation, as well as the monitoring and assessment of the scheme, is prepared in collaboration with our foreign partners. In the final school-year of the European Section programme, our students well be given a Europass file during an official ceremony. They will also get involved in the preparation of the European Week, included in our project. The Specific European English oral exam will be the last step of their training. Our project will allow our students to gain greater autonomy and maturity. Moreover, one of our main goals consists in promoting and strengthening European citizenship and identity. This exchange programme will also open wider cultural horizons and career prospects for our students. Finally, such a unique experience will definitely provide them with precious skills that will be assets on their path to professional and social integration.

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