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Pädagogischer Aufenthalt österreichischer LehrerInnen in Estland
Start date: Mar 19, 2014, End date: Mar 19, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The opportunity of teaching in a foreign country is a good possibility to gather experiences in other schools and to convert them into the own field of activity. The contact with the teachers from the host country is helpful for my own teaching, because one can exchange different didactic methods, contents and aims. These contacts help to make friends with people from another country. There will be three austrian teachers in Estonia at the same time. I don´t know them yet, but I was informed from the ministry of education that we will all spend the four weeks in diffent schools. I am in contact with two estonian teachers and I got the programme of the first meeting in Tallin from the contact person from Haridus-ja Teadusministeerium. The activities planned during my stay in Estonia have to agree with the needs of the schools and the teachers. I will offer different methods including "open learning". I want to help the students learning a foreign language and give them informations about culture, history, politics and the austrian society. Beside the regular lessons it will be possible to organize workshops, presentations and activities in corporation with other teachers and also with parents. My professional life as a teacher of history, italian language and project management started more than 25 years ago and I had the opportunity to make a lot of experiences organizing projects like stays abroad together with students, study trips and cultural projects, exhibitions, workshops etc. which I want to share among colleagues. I want to gain new practical knowledge, get and give new impetus, and learn something about Estonia and the schoolsystem there. I am glad to make this experience and to meet other teachers who are committed and who want to improve learning.

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