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Pädagogik ohne Grenzen - Erwerb interkultureller pädagogischer Kompetenz in der Erzieher/innenausbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus (PFH), a vocational training college for social education, has been developing a strategy of internationalization over many years, and in 2010 reiterated its commitment to this by adding the title of “College with a European Profile” to its official name. Since 2015 we are part of Erasmus+VET Mobility Charter. The international strategy has been implemented on three levels; firstly, 31 students (trainee educators) take part in a 3 or 20-week placement abroad through the Erasmus+ programme, secondly, 8 teachers also take part in a foreign exchange programme with a chosen partner organization. Through the comparative study of vocational training and education systems in both their own country and other European countries, students broaden their comprehension of the diverse ways in which to best support children in their development. The mobility offered to students through this programme provides an irreplaceable addition to the theoretical course, and is integral in developing conceptual, methodological and personal competences. Comparative analysis of curricular concepts, structure and attitude towards institutional education in different European countries, along with current debates, is an essential part of this vocational training. It also plays an important role in the establishment of our future European culture, and the evolution of the German educational system as a whole. The lecturers of the vocational college, have an avowed interest in developing the international component of the training programme. Intercultural experiences and study of “best practice”, provides them with competences to teach to the highest standards possible. During the project, 18 students complete a 20-week practical placement abroad, as a component of their overall training programme. To ensure a complete monitoring of their placement, the students write weekly and monthly reports, which are reviewed by their tutor. Reflection and comparison of country-specific approaches to education are a focus of these reports. 15 students complete a 3-week foreign placement, principally in neighbouring countries. As an addition to their required training placements, this residence is undertaken to broaden their understanding of “other” educational systems and to gain intercultural experiences. The teaching group (8 teachers) in the vocational training college is comprised of university–educated personnel and trained teachers. The aim of both the institution and the faculty is to obtain the highest level of knowledge about the education and social care systems in different European countries and meet the requirements of the training programme. Through one-week on-site visits the faculty are able to learn about different organisational structures as well as understand and assess pedagogical social work in another European country. A particular focus of discussion is the standard of vocational training, with specific reference to the role of the “practical placement”. The classification of different educator training programmes with reference to the EQF is looked at from a “different” perspective and information is shared about comparative vocational qualifications in Europe. On-site visits, expert discussions, evaluations and presentations of findings, all constitute essential parts of this comparative study. The project leader works on behalf of and in consultation with the school administration in managing the project. She co-ordinates with partner organizations, participants in the exchange programme and the administrative board. There are also various additional departments at PFH which offer support and solutions should unforeseen complex situations arise. The responsibility for the content and development of the project is held by the group of teachers directly involved, along with the rest of the faculty. At the end of a project year, the findings are presented in an open meeting at the PFH. In such a way, additional perspectives on the exchange programme, as well as institutional and curricular developments, are openly discussed. Included in this is also feedback about individual experiences gained by students in the European profile course. This project strives to implement innovations for the further advancement of the institution. Emphasis has been placed on the professional development of faculty and staff as well as the possibility for additional forms of cooperation with practical placement institutions, where it is generally accepted that an understanding of the current developments in European countries is particularly effective for good practice. Through the continued cooperation with partner organizations, themes stemming from the experiences of previous exchanges can be discussed, which can then be further analyzed on return visits and thus better the individual learning process intended for each participant. We are convinced those goals are still worth to be pursued.
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