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P.O.E.TR.Y. - Promoting Opportunities of Educational TRaining sYstem
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The High School “Ancel Keys”, an hospitality training institute, in Castelnuovo Cilento (near Salerno), is since many years the headquarter for the hospitality and tourism education. A lot of personality, that are nowadays managing successfully in local touristic setting, were students of the “Ancel Keys”.The High School is, since its born, always aware of the local demand, the programs are always shaped on the students, families and business requests. This continuous research of renewal in methods and skills, that scholastic staff and teachers needs to keep up-to-date, in order to follow the more and more growing economy requests, needs a growth opportunities. The project P.O.E.T.R.Y ( Promoting Opportunities of Educational Training sYstem) is a project that will lasts 15 days (2 weeks) during which the 20 teachers will attend foreign language and computer science class. During this sessions they will work nearby experts of the Chain Foundation in Oxford, UK order to acquire new teaching methods capable to mix CLIL with liberal arts like: reception, foreign languages and culture, tourism geography and art history.Main goals and results expected are:- Be always updated on new teaching methods in order to be able to plan CLIL training, mixed with technological resources;- Soft skills, problem solving, cross competencies;- Network consolidation with overseas High Schools, that may became future partner in other mobility project;- Intercultural mobility that offers to students from different countries and different socio –cultural settings, the chance to live a climate of tolerance and integration in a school environment.Main activity before :- 3 Classes: the first in foreign language, second one computer science and a third one in intercultural topic,Main activity during the 15 days:- UK tourism geography and its promotion;- Foreign language classes, mixed with local culture and use of the ICT method CLIL, drama, theatre and visual artsMain activity in follow up:- Widespread of results and acquired knowledges.All these points are the main instruments that will bring at the didactic improvement, in order to lift up the general scholastic system. Use of new technologies, foreign language awareness and new teaching methods. The expectations are focused on the improvement of the communication and management skills, useful to the new the network with overseas High Schools and partners.This new way of working and teaching , will also have positive repercussion on students. This is not only a possibility of personal growing up of teachers, but also the chance to strength and improve the knowledges Ancel Keys’s students.
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