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Ouverture sur l’Europe
Start date: Jun 2, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jacques Prévert Vocational High School, which has the label “High school of Fashion and Beauty”, implements a policy to open up internationally since 2011. Both the Leonardo and Erasmus+ experiences respectively from 2012 to 2014 and from 2014 to 2016 have strengthened this dynamic. Thus, the number of participants has increased from 14 to 16. Baccalauréat students from every field studied in the school have been involved. - 4 beauty students - 7 fashion students - 4 business and selling students - 1 administrative work student The students were all between 17 and 19 years old. The training periods took place in Malta, Ireland and Spain. We have widened the host countries, in particular with Spain this year, to meet our students’ needs and in accordance with the foreign languages studied in our school. In April 2015, 8 students went to Malta. In May 2016, 6 students went to Cork, in Ireland and 2 went to Malaga, in Spain. It was a 4-week internship for all of them. The students had a training period in companies matching their fields of studies. The activities undertaken abroad were consistent with the vocational training benchmarks of their diplomas. The steering committee, composed of the Deputy Head and teachers monitored the administration part of the mobility experience (customs documents, social insurance, training agreements…) but also organised cultural activities (city tours, visits of monuments and museums, cinema and gastronomic outings…). The financial administrator handled the financial part of the project as well as the logistics part. The teachers accompanied the students during their stay abroad and led the training assessments together with the tutors at the companies. The objectives of the Mobility project have all been achieved. They aimed to : • increase language skills and improve fluency, • develop a sense of belonging to Europe and make European Citizenship more real, • develop professional skills, gain new knowledge and know-how, and discover new corporate culture, • Increase autonomy, curiosity and confidence, • motivate students to discover new places and to use the studied language, • meet new people, stay with a host family and live differently somewhere else. The Erasmus project has improved the attractiveness of the courses offered by our school. Europass and Euromobipro certificates have added value to our diplomas. The students find their studies more appealing and they have a new interest for foreign languages. The image of our school has been enhanced. The students who took part in the mobility experience are willing to repeat the experience later on in their studies and they have given other students from our school the desire to take part in the mobility project.
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