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Ouverture européenne et tolérance en 2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is aimed at 4 pupils having registered in the three- or two-year baccalauréat professionnel logistics course. At this point these pupils have also attended a European course for one or two years. This project answers the specificity of the course for many reasons: 1 –The activities linked to Logistics are bound to be European and even international. Delivering, storing, carrying goods from one point to another imply that companies must work with their European counterparts. Furthermore, in a globalized world, they will have to work with partners all over the world if they want to remain competitive. Many of them in Essonne, already work with partners in Eastern Europe, Portugal, Italy, Spain , the USA or Brazil among others. 2 – Some of our students have already worked in international companies like Rungis and they know about the situation. Professionals from the Southern industrial area near Paris where most of our students are from, welcome our students from European classes. They fully understand the importance of being able to communicate in and to master English. Consequently, the opportunity to perform a training period in an English-speaking country is of the utmost importance. 3 – The geographical situation of our lycée added to its specificity: Lycée des métiers de automobile et de la logistique, totally justifies our desire to perpetuate this type of project. 4 – The confirmation, with the previous experiences abroad, that it brings a lot to our students on many different levels: - Linguistic: They gain a confidence that allows them to feel that they are able to communicate in English. After spending five weeks in London, they no longer fear being judged for their English skills and they are able to express themselves freely. - Academic: After acquiring this self- confidence, they now feel like they can succeed. Academic success is no longer reserved to pupils from Lycée general but it is also attainable for pupils from vocational schools who make an effort and who are willing to take risks. As a result, they are more motivated and more willing to attend school, to work and ready to make stronger efforts. - Personal: This project helps our students to mature, to gain an entrepreneurial spirit and to achieve greater autonomy which are highly valuable skills demanded by most companies. This program also helps our students to develop a greater sense of acceptance towards people of differing racial, ethnic, generational, sexual and religious backgrounds. - On the labour market: Our students will be employed more easily and they will be more willing to work abroad and to share their skills with other companies. In companies, they are expected to be able to: - Receive and store goods - Prepare and ship orders - Welcome drivers on the telephone or in person - Understand written documents. They will be supervised by the school partners,the project partners (companies and families ), and the members of the CEI. Meetings, telephone calls, mails, social networks, videoconferences will be used to manage, communicate, cooperate, monitor and assess the mobility program. The students will be accompanied by the English teacher who will make sure the families and companies live up to the personal and professional expectations (professional task in keeping with the school curriculum). The DNL teacher will fetch them and assess their training period with the tutor. Long-term benefits are numerous: 1 - Our school has become more attractive and is better known thanks to the activities linked to the mobility program. For example we have recently updated our school website to inform about the "classe euro et sa mobilité",the Journal de Savigny has published and will publish an article. The Parisen will too. The school "Open Day", the French families feedback, the meetings with all the members of the school and the students of the mobility, the graduation ceremony, the meetings with the alumni who tell about their professional and personal experience, play a large part in the widening of our school. Our regular contact with the CEI, already very well-known and specialized in jobs and internships placements, and accommodation for individuals and groups , also helps us be more influential in the future. 2 - Our students in higher education 3 - Our students in the European and International labour market. 4 - Our students : citizens of France, of Europe, of the World.
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