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Our landscape. Our home. Our school
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project "Our landscape. Our home. Our school" is based on exchanging ideas and methodology of outdoor teaching. For some years our school teachers have organized different outdoor activities as a part of formal and informal educational process. These efforts to use outdoor learning methods haven't been constant and haven't been summarized and the system of using these activities and methods in curricular and extracurricular activities has not been created yet. This project could help to summarize and create methodological descriptions and recommendations how, where and when to use outdoor teaching methods for different European schools. Project partners would organize workshops, meetings, seminars, try to use outdoor methods in educational process. The aim of the project is to integrate outdoor education and learning to education system as well as to share experiences in the European perspective. The participants are: - Joniškis "Aušros" gymnasium is the coordinator. We have old and profound educational traditions in our region. We have come up with the idea of the project because outdoor learning is used at our school and we would like to share experience with other European schools. - Kerimbey Orta Okulu from Turkey. Partner school tries to develop and improve their education and social activity opportunities provided to students and young people by following all new technologies and best pedagogical, cultural and social methods. - Obchodni akademie Dr. Edvarda Benese. Partner from Czech Republic. This school has participated in the project with other our region school. - IES David Bujan from Spain focuses on helping students to acquire basic abilities in life. - Zespol Szkol w Kobylance is school from rural area of Poland. Teachers are looking for innovative teaching methods and would like to share experience. Methodology: - group work, team building, cooperative learning, work with text, discussions, workshops, work with ICT, task-based learning, sharing personal experience. Project results: - Set of methodological recommendations for using outdoor learning. - Project website. - Outdoor learning tracking created. - Final meeting conference for teachers. - We also expect an improvement in the language abilities of the participants. - New methods and activities will be incorporated in school curricula. - Project Photobook published. Impact of the project: Teachers will acquire new teaching methods and new skills teaching outdoors, will be able to prepare teaching material for outdoor education, use new teaching tools, modern technologies. Students will rise their learning motivation, will improve their communication and organizational skills, will learn and explore their environment and will acquire the new skills in practice. Schools will be able to cooperate and to collaborate which will allow and motivate new aims organizing new activities to solve educational problems, will get more attractive in local community.
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Project Website

4 Partners Participants