Search for European Projects

Otwórzmy się na Europę
Start date: Aug 20, 2014, End date: Aug 19, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The „Open ourselves for Europe” project is directed at rising foreign language abilities of our school’s teachers and at looking for inspiration to perfect our professional skills. Five, out of eleven of our teachers will take part in the course: the English teacher and four teachers of other subjects. During methodical-lingual course the English teacher of our school will seek for interesting methodological solutions, learn new outlook on teaching foreign language to make classes more attractive and more efficient for children. The participation in this project will let our teachers, the students and their parents explore British culture, customs and everyday life as well. This will help to realize that speaking foreign language is vital in temporary times. Four of our teachers will firstly participate in language course at Richard Language College. The aim of it will be to develop their speaking skills, facilitate the communication. Now they are on different levels of English using abilities: from A1 to B2. Then, they are going to take part in Bi-Component training which, apart from keeping developing their lingual skills, will include observation classes adequate to our teachers specializations as well. This course will surely be an opportunity to compare our and British teaching methods. The skills that the teachers will get during the courses will give foundations to successive activities: cooperation with European schools in consecutive years, participation in international projects, Job-shadowing, teachers’ and students’ exchanges. Our school does have a chance to become a real window on Europe for our teachers and students.

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