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Otwarty nauczyciel poprowadzi uczniów do sukcesu
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„The open-minded teacher leads the students to success‘’ project will be implemented by 5 teachers who are working in the Primary School no 2 in Naklo upon Noteć River. These chosen teachers represent the following range of education: Information Technology, Maths, Art and English. They are really engaged in helping the pupils with disabilities during the lessons in the integration classes. All the mentioned teachers are the workers with permanent employment contracts. They want to develop their language skills as well as gain new knowledge and experience which they would like to bring into play in their everyday work. Those people are truly interested in the development of our school. Undoubtedly they are thoroughly responsible and they are ready to share their knowledge as well as to benefit from others. The teachers are opened for the educational innovation too. Taking part in this project let them implement the range of new teaching methods in different fields of education. Our school hasn’t yet participated in such an important international project as Erasmus Plus Program. The main reason we haven’t tried to apply to any of those international project is the poor level of our teachers’ language skills. However the plans of our institution concerning the foreign mobility and international cooperation are the response to the needs of our school. They regard the following areas which need to be improved: upgrading the language skills of our employees, the enhancement of the quality of management, the increase of our teachers’ knowledge especially in the field of modern technologies and online tools, upgrading the awareness of social, cultural and linguistic diversity among the students of our school particularly among those with special educational needs and having some difficulties in their families. All the considered mobilities are selected in such a way as to confirm not only the needs of the teachers but also the requirements of our school and the whole school environment. The training courses will help us in achieving those goals. Without any doubt the effects of the courses will improve the performance and behaviour of our students. Apart from that, our school will be considered as a better one in our local environment. The increase of language skills of the other subjects’ teachers (not only the English) will help us in teaching with CLIL method. Thanks to the acquired management knowledge our school will be more European and cosmopolitan in the future. Using the ICT tools undoubtedly make our education process more attractive. Among our students we are going to promote such attitudes like tolerance and respecting for diversity. We will manage to obtain this goals by including the students into the projects' activities. The preparation of the project is divided into three phases: analysis, planning and the implementation of the project. All the participants will be responsible for the realisation of the project. All the activities will be supervised by the project's co-ordinator. The project's quality management processes include all the activities performed by people involved in. The summarizing activities include: monitoring and reporting, providing the required documentation and its archiving, the audit of the quality and implementing the changes. Participating in the project will have an impact not only on the teachers engaged but also on the other members of the school board, on the students and on the local environment too. We planned a number of activities in which we will share the Project's results (open-lessons for the teaching staff and teachers from the other schools, the workshops for Ośrodek Pozaszkolnej Nauki Języków Obcych students, meetings for parents, exhibition and various cultural activities for children). The information on benefits received from the participation in the Program will be posted on both our and the Naklo Town Council websites. Experience gained as well as goals achieved will exert influence on our school development in the future - all successful educational experiments will be included in the School Development Plan. Due to staff partaking in the Project, the school community will get professional teachers ready to take on new challenges and use new educational methods. Those teachers will be the leaders who are to train their workmates, introduce changes and strengthen the European dimension of the institution. Students will take advantage of interesting culture lessons supported by personal teachers' experience. Using modern technology in the classroom will contribute to lesson attractiveness. We hope that international contacts will be established. Those connections, in turn, will facilitate the implementation of forthcoming international projects. Acquired competencies, tools, methods as well as established contacts will enhance teaching and education processes.School prestige positively influences on students and parents' identification

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