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Organiser un événement éco-responsable
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Organizing a green event Setting up an exchange of young Spanish, Romanian and French on organizing an eco-responsible event and finding alternatives for ecological transition. Workshops will be run throughout the exchange to develop the skills of young people on environmental issues events and engineering of environmental management of an event before the event. They will focus on issues of sustainable development for the organization of an event (transport, food, waste, energy, water, social) where we will be able to bring our knowledge and make young people share their opinion and information on these themes. We want to use Alternatiba Toulouse as an experimentation for young people. They will implement sustainable development actions by themselves and evaluate them. They will also confront public awareness. This forum alternatives also allow youth to meet with social actors involved in Alternatiba. The skills learned by the young will be evaluated at the end of the exchange at a balance sheet day and a Youthpass will be delivered to each participant. The expected goals for young people are to : - question young people on environmental issues related to the organization of an event and find solutions ; - Implement actions on an event and to follow up ; - Evaluate the actions implemented ; - Meet with the social actors of the ecological transition ; - promote cultural exchange between the participants ; - develop their European identity. The main themes of the project are the environment and European identity.

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