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Organisation de périodes de formation en milieu professionnel en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our vocational school welcomes 300 students doing 12 to 22 workplace training weeks. Before entering our vocational school, our students are often reluctant to learn foreign languages because of their poor academic level. Our school is located in the country which makes it difficult for them to move. As a result, their motivation is very low and looking for a work placement in a company is far from easy. So few of them consider postgraduate studies and most of them get no job opportunities. In order to increase the opportunities to be hired by companies, our students will have to: stand out from the lot. A work placement in a Spanish company will allow them to improve their Spanish and will be an asset in their CVs, proving their will, their competences in a foreign language, their autonomy and their ability to move. get more self-confident thanks to the acquisition of new competences and recognition within the school, the family and the company. To achieve these goals, I got in touch with the Department of Education of Navarra (the Spanish region partner with our French region) and established a partnership with a Spanish VET (vocational educational training) school in Tafalla where students also prepare for a diploma in administration and management and have a training period in companies. Thanks to this project, two of our teachers went to Spain to do work shadowing, and since then, we have exchanged views on teaching and working practises, improved our knowledge of education systems, coordinated our mutual work to prepare our students before their mobility carefully selected the hosting companies for the trainings. At the same time, we have reinforced our collaboration in another project of partnership ERASMUS + 2015/2017, together with a German school, an Italian school and an Italian N.G.O. This project is called AEJO (Approaching Europe Jobs opportunities). We plan to host some students of the Spanish school to do their trainings in the Médoc next year. As the Spanish students have the same hesitations as our students had before their mobility, we decided to arrange a meeting between the French students doing their training in Tafalla in January and the Spanish students so that they can share their experience. This interaction could lead to set up an exchange : during their training, the French students could be hosted in the Spanish families of the students due to do their training in France, so they could be host families in return. To focus on the preparation of the mobility, we worked with the Spanish teacher and during the D.N.L. Courses (Management courses in Spanish) I taught the Spanish professional vocabulary necessary to achieve the tasks required during their training in Spain. An extra weekly course was also dedicated to the students preparing for their mobility to improve their language skills and cultural knowledge, so as to make their integration in host families and companies easier and faster. Eight students (instead of four planned in the first place) did their trainings in Spain over the last two years. They were between 16 and 18 and were in their second or third year of BETCH National in Administration and Management. So they had already had three training periods in France before their mobility. Now they have : a better knowledge of the education systems enhanced their autonomy, their adaptability, their open-mindedness, their ability to move gained professional and language skills developed European exchanges and a European citizenship added new skills and a mobility item to their Cvs been awarded the EUROPASS MOBILITY taken the optional test of mobility in their BTECH National exam gained self confidence and are now willing to go for postgraduate studies including a six-month training period abroad. The local job market requires a workforce with good oral and written communication skills, especially in foreign languages. Today our school has gained local recognition for its commitment in international relations, which was confirmed with the startup of the new ERASMUS + project in October 2015. Our school hosted the European partners of this project in May 2016 for their second meeting. Training Spanish students in our companies will make our region more attractive.
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