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Opportunities for Community groups Through Energy Storage (OCTES)
Start date: Mar 14, 2011, End date: Mar 14, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will develop a business model that can deliver a new Integrated Renewable Energy Management Service (IREMS) that can be adapted to suit local needs in a transnational context. The developed Renewable Energy Management Service incorporating smart grid technology with existing renewable energy (RE) know-how will be made available to existing advisory services across the NPP region.The components of OCTES Integrated renewable energy management service will enable new and existing advisory services to offer solutions to community renewable energy groups involved with RE developments with particular focus on micro generation. This will permit community groups and/or individual house holders to plan and design their system to function with new smart grid technology developments that are tailored to individual needs.Within the Integrated Renewable Energy Management Service will be the web reporting system that shows how energy is used and how consumers respond to pricing changes over the region. The available of this advisory service to SMEs and/or consultancy service to assess and manage individual energy generation and consumption patterns will enhance their ability to advise on the preferred low cost energy storage solution suited to their clients individual needs. Through the use of this smart technology the most economic renewable energy storage mechanism will be recommended. This technology can be integrated in to existing renewable energy projects as well as projects at a planning stage, and the innovative storage solutions that evolve will create growth in enterprises from the design to use of renewable energy storage facilities. Achievements: Products and services:Title: IREMS: Integrated Renewable Energy Monitoring Service An energy advisory service on suitable energy storage or renewable energy solutions for home owners and residents of social housing estates. The advisory service is an integral part of the SMAP web-tool which enables users to make a more informed decision regarding the choice of energy provider.More information see:,Title: TREEM: True Realtime Energy Efficiency Meter A low cost energy monitoring system, which, by automatically sending measured data to a webserver, enables users to compare their energy consumption to that of similar users and households and to see how their behaviour influences energy consumption patterns. The energy monitoring system is an integral part of the SMAP web-tool which enables users to make a more informed decision regarding the choice of energy provider.More information see:,

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  • 58%   731 199,46
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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5 Partners Participants