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Opetusmetodien ja koulun hallinnon kehittäminen Pyörön koulussa
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There will be three participans in this project, all of them teach in secundary school. There will take part also a member of the administration of the school as well as a school counselor. We think it is interesting that people with different tasks could take part in this visit. Besides, each member will lay emphasis in aspects related to his/her own area. The shool administrator can check how the school works, how it is organized. The teacher will pay attention to what is the relationship with the studens, specialy those with learning difficulties, as well as relationship with families. The thirth teacher will be selected depending of the profit that he could get of the project, and also of the capacity of spread what he/she could learn during the visit, to other teachers as well as to students. All the teachers must have enough language skills to comunicate, mainly english. Teachers taking part to Project will analyze all the teachigmethods that are estimated to be working well. Also it is important to pay attention also to things that aren t running well at school. During the visits observation focus on how the same things has been organized on the visiting school. Project group will analyze differences on teaching methods. Based on the observation project group will expred new ways of running schools and develop future aims for the project. During the visits main focus is on the facilities of teaching, evaluate them also, observation of lessons. There will be also visits to all institutions that are related and working with the visiting school. It is important to evaluate the organization of schools. The results will be analyzed with teachers related to project, pupils, parents. Project bases on interaction and co-operation between teachers in both schools. Results will be collected to database. Short description of results: Expected results are of two types: those based in personal experiencies, of those who take part of the project and those that will be reflect in the documents. The personal experience is difficult to demostrate, but will be useful to improve the teaching and administration work of the participants. It will be useful also for those to whom the experience will be transmited in the future. Documents and reports will reflect the objective/formal experience, the meetings and also the activities to spread the experience. We want to make a photographic resume which will give the main tool to show the rest of the school about the visit. Impact of the project The main impact of the project is to improve the educational quality of our institute. After the visit, a most specific objetive is to spread the experience and new ways to run school and the possible long term benefits.

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