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Operazione colombo
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

General ob: Greater social inclusion of people with Down syndrome (DS) and their integration in theabour market.Tarøef grow: 16 youngsters with DS, aged 18 - 30 , from Italy, Spain, Argentina and Venezuela.Indirect target group: 8 youth workers from the same countries.Specific obi: To increase youngsters' with DS cooperation an living-together skills.To enrich professionals' education skills in the field of transnational exchanges with youngsters with DS. Operational obi: to make 4 groups of 2 European and 2 South American countries meet for a seacruiseTo form professionals on international exchanges with the target groupTo disseminate resultsActivities:Meeting of professionals in Buenos Aires, in order to share methods and tools and agree on a common educational orientation-Social networking among professionals and among youngsters Meetings of each national group in order to prepare the "Italian phase"The "Italian phase":• Introductory meeting in Genova (La Scuola di Mare); mutual acquaintance of participants and meeting with the crew.• 7 days cruise on a 61 mt sail vessel of the Italian Navy, from Genova to Civitavecchia, with one stop in Pisa• Landing in Civitavecchia, press conference, "in open court": the sail vessel welcomes people for a visit, meeting with public authorities and other youth associations, by the means of a talk-show.• Evaluation of the cruise and free time in Rome.• Dissemination events on a local level.• Final evaluation of the project and reportingPrioritiesParticipation of youngsters with DS.They have got fewer opportunities than their contemporaries.Cultural diversity : different approaches of participating countries to disability.The cruise experience as a sort of working experience and/Or as a simulation of working situation.OutputsShip's log of the experience, written by youngsters and professionalsPhoto book of the cruise, by the youngsters, with texts from partner organisations and Nave Italia.Dissemination .Targefs: the crew and Fondazione nave Italia managers ; other youngsters with DS; professionals otother youth associations; public opinion.Met/7ods/roo/s: public events (talk show and open court day on the vessel); publications, socialnetworking,Impact2000 youngsters with DS1000 youngsters without DS50 disability organisationsEuropean Down Syndrome Association
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

3 Partners Participants