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#Operation: My Skills, Experience and Learning Foundations for European Union
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

#OpMySELF4EU is a VET learners mobility proposal involving training and work placements for two vocational fields which suffer most the economical crisis in Greece: Construction and IT field and need a turning point to give a boost in the learners employability. The mobility involves 19 students of the Construction field who will attend a two-week practical training in renewable energies resources which is aligned with today's labour market needs according to the sector's union recommendations and more specifically "Designing a Bioclimatic house with AutoCAD 3D", a technological tool which our school lacks, in Spain which is considered a leader n renewable energy resources. Also it involves 16 students of the IT field who will complete a three-week work placement in companies of the private sector in Spain as interns to get specialisation and work experience in their field. Both groups will receive an one-week socio-linguistic and cultural preparation in Spain to enhance their intercultural and personal development and be introduced to the new environment. Our project's aims is to enhance our students' employability and adaptability based on today's market needs, to help them acquire key competencies in new technolog and job-specific skills while strengthening their linguistic and intercultural competencies and complement their training with practical experience. Generally, the west areas of Athens is an area whose inhabitants are characterized by low income and sensitive groups of people. Egaleo and especially our school embraces students of low social and financial profile with a view to their re-integration to society with an improved personal and professional profile. It is a multi-cultural mix of students mostly adults with low social background who wish for a second chance in their life which was degraded because of disparate causes. The project has been divided into work packages which involve the preparatory, the organisational, the managerial, the implementation and the dissemination stages and all partners will contribute respectfully. The results we wish to achieve via this mobility is to rekindle the two fields employability opening new paths towards renewable energies resources and working mobility in EU. The impact will traverse the educational and the enterprise sector providing solid foundations for future integration of renewable energy resources training programmes which will benefit not only our school and region but also both countries on a European and international level. The work mobility opportunity will also affect locally, regionally, nationally as well as on a European and international level after the dissemination of the work placements results. In the long term VET will receive the attractiveness its work opportunities and the openness in EU will offer.

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