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Open your mind, change your life
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Open your mind, change your life" is participated by five partner schools from Poland, Croatia, Greece, Germany and Portugal. The main objectives of the projects include: prevention of early school leaving and playing truancy, improvement of key competences (communication in mother and foreign languages, civic competences and entrepreneurship, ICT skills) and facing underachievement in science, maths and English. The target group of the project includes students aged 12-16 who have a high rate of absences at school, problems with science, maths and whose key competences require improvement. About 3000 people will be involved (directly and indirectly) and thanks to the dissemination of the results and activities even more people will benefit from the project.There are planned five topics to that help to meet project's objectives and deal with aforementioned students' problems. Partner schools will hold extra classes and activities in home countries working on those topics and developing students' skills. Moreover,there are planned four transnational meetings that also focus on the topics. English will be communication language. During the mobilities students will stay at host families and will challenge and improve the skills and knowledge acquired at extra classes. Project activities will be based on workshops, group work, individual work, discussions, learning by doing, experiments, laboratory and outdoor classes and lectures. The project combines secondary education with higher levels encouraging students to continue their education. All partner schools will be supported by universities (Jagiellonian, Ionian, Universities of Zadar and Split, Humbolt University of Berlin). During each transnational meeting students will meet European employers, interview them, visit universities and attend classes/workshops there. Transnational meetings challenge students' knowledge and skills and make them more motivated to work since those type of activities appeals to them and make them feel responsible for the given tasks. Within 2 years we planned to focus on topics: 1. Europass and the movement on labour market - preparation of application documents, job interviews, meeting employers, Europass Language Passport, self-presentation, meeting job advisors, ICT tools in practice, development of civic competences2. A sound mind in a sound body - cookery, dance, sport classes, using GPS, meeting specialist (psychologist, dietician), science and maths in outdoor games, preparing a reportage, creating a healthy diet,3. Science around us - lab classes at universities, doing experiments, outdoor activities, trips to museums and exhibitions, ICT tools in practice, improving solve-problem thinking, scanning and searching for information4. Travelling around Europe along with an Oxford debate - improving and developing communication skills, civic competences and ICT skills, preparing a reportage and photo exhibition, lapbooks, learning about famous mathematicians and their discoveries (practical activities), how to rationale and express opinions, successful communication, solving conflicts5. Inventors and scientists - what do we own them? - self-presentation, pp and Prezi presentations, visiting museums, exhibitions, universities, quiz shows, lab classesThere will be multiple results and products. The most important ones will be:- Photo and video reportages- Multimedia presentations about famous inventors and discoverers, partner countries , their region and schools- Europass – Language passport and application documents in English.- Oxford style debates- Project’s website with all results- lapbooks- the ability to use the ICT tools: Prezi, Microsoft Office, PhotoScape, Skype, Windows Movie Maker, emails, various applications and applying them to personal needs- the increase of ability to listen to each other and to rationale opinions and carry out debate- the improvement of school results in maths, science and English and of reading comprehension, writing, logical thinking, creativity, ability to use given data/information - prevention of school leaving and playing truancy- the boost of self-esteem- the understanding of the importance of continuation of education, self-development and trainings - the enhancement of tolerance and awareness of diversity among people.The project participants are going to gain the unique experience in cross-cultural relations. They will eradicate their prejudices and stereotyped ways of thinking and learn about the geographical features of some European countries. The cooperation in our project will arouse our students‘ sense of European citizenship and it will make them understand and notice the necessity of sharing the knowledge and experience to increase our students’ awareness about other European countries.

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