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Open Space on Visual Thinking
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The training course “Open Space on Visual Thinking” (18-25 February, 2016, Dilijan, Armenia) aimed at building competences to use two new methods of visual thinking and Open Space Technology (OST) in development of knowledge, skills and attitude applicable for the local community youth work and schools. Objectives of the training were: - To pass visual working tools to participants (including associative thinking and drawing skills); - To pass to the participants the OST as a working method with groups of young people; - To raise awareness on importance of creative and innovative tools in formal and non formal education; - To create a platform for youth workers to share ideas about "how and where we can use visual innovative tools?"; - To improve the leadership skills of young people; - To support the active participation of young people with fewer opportunities; - To develop the intercultural dialogue and networking between EU and Neighboring countries; - To improve the quality of EU youth programs and projects. As the 28 participants from 6 countries (Luxembourg, France, Italy, Armenia, Russian Federation, Georgia) were youth leaders, trainers/facilitators, representatives of formal education (teachers and lecturers) they had extensive experience in youth work and were able to enrich the TC by sharing with each other their competences and insights. According to the initial planning, there were 6 participants with fewer opportunities (educational difficulties, geographical obstacles and social obstacles, disability (cerebral palsy). The TC was based on the experiential learning participatory methods and its first part was concentrated on develop of the participants’ creativity and visual thinking skills. The participants had the chance to improve/practice their drawing skills. They were given an opportunity to understand the main principles of visual thinking as a learning style (the learner better understands and retains information when ideas, words and concepts are associated with images). Some common visual learning strategies, include creating graphic organizers, diagramming, mind mapping, outlining, were presented and analyzed. After receiving the tools for actions, participants had a chance to discuss and elaborate the topics where they would like to use the visual thinking tools in order to raise awareness of youngsters and/or societies about it. In order facilitate the process OST was used as a method. Open Space is a self organized method, based on the participants’ motivation, experience and interest. During Open Space participants are given an opportunity to propose topics that they are working on in their organizations, or they are interested in. As a results after the training course the trainees were able to run and organize Open Space meetings themselves and have a wider image on how the visual tools can be used in their daily work. Already around 5 participants have already contributed to various publications, dedicated to non-formal education, by illustrating them. As well as the participants who are actively involved in the international youth work are using the tools gained during the training course during international projects and in his way contributing to the popularization of OST and visual thinking as methodologies.

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