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One step ahead into inernationalisation, capacity building and modernisation - school development and quality evaluation and enhancement
Start date: Sep 8, 2014, End date: Aug 7, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school board and a selected team of staff (selection committee) will provide the participants , through regular meetings, with all information regarding: how participants will prepare for the training; what the contents of the training are; how the knowledge/competences acquired will be disseminated across the school (and possibly outside); what the benefits of participation will be at institutional and individual level; how the training will be evaluated. In order to make the stay abroad meaningful, it is necessary to clarify everything as much detailed as possible. Also, participants will complete a detailed questionnaire before the training starts to indicate their background and particular interests. They are asked to go prepared to discuss school improvement and quality evaluation in their own country with participants of other European nationalities.Our school is framed within a European Development Plan, which aims at modernising and internationalising our mission as a school for the future. With our previous experiences on European exchanges we would like to further our role as an open school open to future intercultural experiences. This way we need to improve management competences with our leading teachers, namely those who are responsible for departments, projects, and other levels of management, to develop our competences and compare teaching methods and tools with a constant eye on development. As a school we always welcome foreign contacts and experiences (every year we have a different school from Denmark asking to visit us and to compare school systems) we need to improve the language competences of our staff and to constabntly adapt to a new and better teaching and learning organisation. The most relevant topics of this project will be New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) and International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation. Our primary concern is to develop and modernise school. We need to improve and explore further management competences, staff competences, European dimension, organisation of teaching, training and learning and will will consider very thoroughly the appropriate training/experience with a reliable institution. The selected staff (teachers) stand for each of the pedagogic and curricular areas that are available at our school: coordinators of the various departaments (Languages, Social and Human Sciences, Mathematics and Science, and Expressions); the Technological Development Plan; the head coordinator of the coordinating team of every class in school, the coordinator of Professional courses; the coordinator of special needs students section; the coordinator of the Health Education section, staff representing the School projects section in general, and the school board. At a further stage, all participants will have the mandatory task to disseminate the project and involve their peers in it. Students and the school community as a whole will be the ultimate recipients of this European brainstorming.
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