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Onderwijsgroep Tilburg mobiliteit voor medewerkers en studenten 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this Erasmus KA1 project, Onderwijsgroep Tilburg will send 24 professionals abroad to learn about specific innovations in Vocational Education and Training in orther countries or about remarkable activities in the working field. In addtion, at least 26 students in initial vocational training will participate in a work placement abroad. During their international placement, they will acquire part of their qualification in an international setting, and furthermore they will reach extra learning outcomes that will only be possible in the context provided by the foreign partners. Teachers and other staff will jointly participate in study visits to some of our strategic international partners. They will meet colleagues of these partners and discuss the innovations with them. Our students who will go abroad under the framework of this project, will be placed in a company or an institute for a work experience during 4 - 24 weeks. We expect important impact for our colleagues with regard to innovation issues, especially while the vocational qualifications at secondary level will be changed in the Netherland in the upcoming years. Our students will enhance their professional competencies and they will be able to acquire addtional learning outcomes through working in a context abroad. Through their international work experience, our students will improve their vocational and language competencies and they will show great personal developments. On the long term, these result will lead to improvement of vocational training in our region and to bettet qualified youngsters entering the labour market.
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