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On the job learning by using ICF-CY in Social Pediatrics
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background/Context 2 major interconnected initiatives in the field of persons with disabilites (PwD) - the UN-Convention on the Rights of PwD (1986) and the International Classification of Functionning, Disabilty and Health (2002) (CY= children/youth version) focus on the full participation of PwD, on the necessity of inclusive settings and on a common language for professionals in order to describe limitations, strengths and facilitators for PwD. Both iniatives focuse on better chances for disadvantaged target groups and decreae inequality in EU28. Most of EU28 parliaments ratified the UN-convention, in most of national political disability strategies in EU28 the usage of ICF-(CY) is seen or even defined as one supportive factor towards an increase of quality of life for PwD, reducing inequality, facilitating full particpation by using a common language between professionals and the , assessment and demographic data collection, increase of service quality and efficiency). However despite high political in most of EU28 will the transectorial implementation of ICF(CY) can be assessed as dfficult, as trainings and available tools are frequently assessed as difficult to handle. Therefore a major gap between political will and concrete implementation of ICF (CY) can be observered, due to missing on-the-job training, and usable tools (ICF-CY consits of approx. 1400 Items). Within the specific field of and Early Childhood Intervention and Social Pediatry (children and adolescents 0-18a with up to 6% of children assessed as disabled or at risk in EU28) this lack of implementation also decreases necessary exchange between the relevant sectors of medicine, education and labour market. Objectives ICF-CY Med-Use 1) increases the usage of ICF-CY by tansfering electronc tools into clinical practice and combining them with on the job-training (peer-to-peer learning). 2) transfers training curricula into EU strategies (learning outcome, EQF) by blended learning possibilities and makes trainings comparable (trainer certification) 3) integrates formal and informal (on-the job-learning) by training passports) Profile of participants The consortium consists of multisectorial (Medicine, education, roof organisations, training) and mutligeographical partners (DE, AT, TR, UK, IT, MK). Partners contribute specific expertise: curricula and training (DE), ICT (AT), transition (AT), best practice (IT), research (UK), strategic implementation (MK, TR). Description of activities The partnership transfers finding from previous LLL projects (, into the specific field of Social Pediatry (143 SPZ in DE), transfers roof-organisation training curricula (DE) into EU learning outcomes and online training platforms, initiates trainer certification (based on online self-assessments) and iniatiates the usage of individual training portfolio (to assess furher training needs of users). Beside 6 consortium meetings national multiplyer seminars are organised to increase knowledge and skills concerning ICF- Results 1) "ICF-CY practice-translator": Current static icf-cy lists (1400 items) are transfered towards usable forms (easy usability to be transfered into daily clinical practice, including "context-search-functions, local community of practice tools) 2) ICF-CY training platform: Transfer of existing training curricula (e.g. VIFF) into EU learning outcome frames,availablility of online blended learning environments. Certification of trainers to ensure comparability in cooperaton with national bodies (DIMDI, Chamber of MD...). Roof partner in DE are involved in curricula 3) ICF-CY online training passport in terms of online assessment based on learning outcomes, EQF-levels to assess formal and informal learning in the field or on the job. mpact: ICF-CY Med-USE by means of high level on the job learning in the field of prevention of disability increases the quality of services provided (by means of a common language and common assessment criteria), the relevant exchange between medical field, education and transition into labour market for disadvantagded groups and the intervention outcome and increases therefore the chances of vulnerable groups. Long term benefit Especially the roof partners in DE (representing the relevant systems Social Pediatry and Early Childhood Intervention), strong political will in MK and legal requirements in TR and AT contribute to sustainability (clinicla usage, better exchange towards transition). Both consortium partner in DE represent certification bodies in terms towards longterm training and implementation (in cooperation with WHO). A common language will increase understandingand compliance of PwD and their families and quality of life of disadvantaged groups (including employability due to better information exchange between sectors. EU regulations on ICF will be implemented. Peer-to-peer learning, accreditation and EQF comparability increases longterms skills.
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10 Partners Participants