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On a European educational journey!
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "On a European educational journey! " includes two mobilities in the form of a Job Shadowing: a jobshadowing of the Finnish school by the management of GBS De Bosmier and a jobshadowing of the Spanish school by preprimary teacher Lieve Willems. Through job shadowing in the Finnish school , Muuruveden koulu , Greet Snoekx , headmistress of GBS De Bosmier in Balen wants to learn in an intensive way about the Finnish education system . Finland is on the European top for education. Children of our current type 1 and type 8 are in Finland integrateed in the "normal schools" . How is it organized? How will be evaluated? How do they do differentiation ? What similarities and what differences are there ? During this jobshadowing the headmistress wants to gather more information about the KIVA project , the anti-bullying project in Finland was developed and is currently part of the daily school life in the Muuruveden koulu . With this project, children are sensitized to avoid bullying . Communication is of great importance. In Belgium , it is possible to step into the KIVA project. The headmistress of GBS De Bosmier wants to observe during the job shadowing how teachers and children use the materials of KIVA and what the impact of this project is. Lieve Willems, pre primary teacher , wants to learn about the Spanish edcuation system through job shadowing in CEIP Vista Alegre . She wants to observe ideas and projects about ICT integration ,kindergarten observation system , anti-bullying action , learning foreign languages , art education Media Since internationalization is one of the major pillars of the educational project of the GBS De Bosmier , we want both children and teachers provide a broad perspective to promote the European dimension. This can be achieved if teachers themselves have the opportunity to visit schools in Europe and can taste how other schools work in Europe , By participating in the jobshadowings participants will gain a new perspective on their job . The aim is to concrete efforts in GBS De Bosmier for the further elaboration of the development plan of the school . Started with the new ideas and projects learned by the jobshadowings.

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