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Omnia Around Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Omnia Around Europe is a multisectoral student and staff mobility project of Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region. Omnia was awarded a Leonardo da Vinci mobility certificate in year 2009. This certificate was to recognize the capability of managing high quality mobility projects. Omnia is well known for its international activities and projects in capital area as well as in national and international level. Project will be coordinated by Omnia’s mobility team. In addition vocational fields have teachers, who are responsible for international activities. This project will be managed and implemented following the international strategy of the organisation and using Omnia’s mobility processes and good practices from previous international projects. The object of the project is to develop learners’ and freshly graduates’ professional, language and cultural and other lifelong learning skills. This project also aims to improve the possibilities to enter the job market or to get a study placement for further studies. Participating into this project improves learners’ capability to handle different kind of situations in life and interact with people from other cultures. Mobility period abroad also inspires participants to work or study in another EU country in the future. The objective of the staff mobility is to improve Omnia’s personnel’s internationalization competences. The participants get a deeper knowledge of their own vocational field, new ideas for developing own work, teaching methods or the services of the organization. Also the language, cultural and other lifelong learning skills improve. This project will focus on guidance and monitoring of the student’s mobilities. As an important result of the project the guidance skills of the personnel improve, the roles of each staff group clear up and guidance will be part of daily teaching- and monitoring work. Teachers and guidance personnel also get to know and use the ECVET-documents provided by European Comission and are able to make personal plans for contents of each student’s mobility period. The use of new social media enables more people to get to know about the results of the project. Participants represent different vocational fields. In this project there are 234 mobilities for students and freshly graduates and 42 for Omnia’s staff from different vocational units. The age of the learners varies very much, but mostly all the students are in the final year of their studies. The aims and contents of all mobilities are planned individually. The duration of the mobility period can be from 14 days (group mobility) up to 100 days (individual work based learning). For the staff there are one and two weeks staff training and teaching assignment periods. All participants prepare themselves before the mobility period. Omnia has developed a versatile preparation program including language and cultural preparation, guidance for practical matters and preparation of the documents, personal meetings with international coordinator and vocational guidance. Host partners help with the practical issues like accommodation and finding a work placement, give guidance in the work placement and evaluate the skills and competences. After the work based learning period the skills and competences will be recognized and validated as part of student’s studies. In the staff mobilities international coordinators and assistant help participants with the practical matters. The host partner helps to create suitable work program for each participant and is the contact person for the local companies and educational organisations. After the mobility participant disseminates the experiences and results in the home organization in team meetings. There are several impacts in many different levels: student/freshly graduate, staff, organisation, capital area and international. This project has big impact on students’ and freshly graduates’ working life and lifelong learning skills, and also on the possibilities to cope and further develop in the working life. Staffs' experiences and new skills benefit the organization and students by improving the quality of teaching and services provided in Omnia. The staff also get more interested in networking and taking part in international projects and development work. High quality international activities and good experiences from this project makes vocational education more attractive. For Omnia’s partners in the labour market this project gives an opportunity to get ideas and influences from European business field. Mobility projects enable long term mutual co-operation in EU, which benefits the home organization but also the host organization. Omnia’s experiences in mobility and ECVET-projects inspire also the partner organizations to develop their functions.

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