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Ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση στη γεωργική παραγωγή
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is titled: "Integrated management of agricultural production" and regards mobility of 50 students in initial vocational education in two streams, of 1st EPAL OF Piraeus in the fields of agronomic, food and environment. The students, along with their accompanying teachers will be going to Portugal and Italy for 14 days in January and March 2015 respectively, and will be welcomed by the AIAM and as host institutions. The object of the proposed project is the training in integrated management in agricultural production. Nowadays there is an urgent need for protection and conservation of natural resources, and the new trends of consumers on 'healthy food' and environmental protection. Given those developments planned in this project, which refers to the integrated management of agriculture, i.e. a series of principles and procedures to be applied, taking into account the specific environmental conditions. Thus, training in this subject arose from the training needs of the students, and the labor market, for specialization in the integrated management of agriculture to gain knowledge, practical skills and attitudes that will make them competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market and self-fulfillment in their professional environment. The NEEDS OF the participants focus on the following: 1. implement compliance with the Code of Good Agricultural Practice 2. to allow the use of fertilizers and pesticides, but only after analysis and accurate diagnosis of the needs of each crop and according to the particular soil conditions of each region and 3. To focus on producing high quality products. The training will cover both theoretical training in the host institution and internships - which will be given special attention - in business or certified workshops and visits to cultural attractions. The duration of the mobility abroad is satisfactory to meet the educational needs of participants while strengthening intercultural and linguistic characteristics of the program. The plan also seeks with the implementation of the mobility, to achieve the following specific objectives: 1. To organize the farm 2. To plan agricultural production, 3. Apply the rules of Integrated Crop Management (GAP), 4. To make rational use of resources, 5. Perform continuous production control, 6. To control the traceability and make product testing, 7. Educate producers, 8. To provide solutions to reduce production costs, 9. To protect their decisions producers, consumers and the environment. Subsequently, the implementation of the project will bring multiplier effects and benefits to the sending and receiving bodies, but also to the participants, who will gain the following: 1. Organizing farm with production planning, 2. Control at all stages of the production process, 3. Constantly updating and training of producers involved, 4. Reduce the cost of production due to the rational use of inputs, 5. In the production of high-quality, safe and competitive products. Both in design, and in the implementation of the project the host institution acts in the successful adaptation and improvement of knowledge and skills of the trainees to enable them to cope better the growing needs of the modern business world and make themselves more competitive labor market. The methodology used to implement the project based on preparation actions - collecting applications, selection of participants, preparation and trip participants, actions during implementation - theory, practice visits - and actions at the end of the project - evaluation, impact. The expected impact on participants will be to gain knowledge and skills for this training subject, their personal development and the strengthening of the concept of European citizenship through them. Subsequently, the impact on partners is identified in the exchange of experience and networking capability and further mobility.
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