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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The great need to broaden knowledge about new best practices, new trends, new techniques, new innovative business ideas and a different working culture, through internationalization was the main purpose that gave the initiative to our Directorate as well as to our Educational Center to propose and organize this plan. The 17 students that participate in this work project are those specializing in Agricultural production. The main purpose of the project is to meet the students’ needs, to development their key skills in order for them to be able to respond successfully to the demands of today's globalized society by taking the best educational and professional decisions.Specific objectives are:• The knowledge widening and improvement of the student’s professional skills achieved through internships and theoretical lessons. This objective will take place in Cyprus• The development of professional interests and particularly the development of entrepreneurship culture.• The removal of stereotypes about the position of each sex in the area of their profession.• The development of their self-confidence by developing initiatives and living apart of their family. • The team work improvement with parallel development of the spirit of cooperation within a group.The program is divided in three parts: The training part that is in correspondence with their industry enterprises, the theoretical part and finally the cultural part.The implementation of the mobility program within the framework of ERASMUS + will enable EK THIVAS involved students to gain professional skills and experience from the workplace and the opportunity to apply the knowledge that they have already acquired in real working conditions. Also the implementation of the project will work additively by comparing experiences from a European country like Cyprus with very good socio-cultural and until recently economic level.The organizing, monitoring and evaluating of the program as a whole and its results are guaranteed through a series of contracts to be agreed between all participants. The evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills will be held by the examiners of the Cyprus System of Vocational Qualifications. The students will enrich their personal folders with the material that they are going to gather and with the information that they are going to collect and their CVs with the Europass-Mobility certificate, and the certificates from the host body and the companies that will employ them in the future.As part of the procedure to share the results there will be a presentation of the program at the Meeting organized by stakeholders for the presentation of experience to parents - teachers - students - local community.Cyprus was chosen as host country:A) Because we use the same language and it is not only because it would be easy to communicate but also for the possibility to use English professional terms, which are commonly used in Cyprus, and this can give students that lack in English the triggers to learn and a strong motive to develop this skill in the future. B) Mainly due to the total specialization of the partners in the areas where we seek to offer our students new knowledge and experiences in a variety of practical training positions, knowledge and skills they can use in our region because of similar soil and climatic conditions.In the long run the implementation of the project has good prospects:a) Offers to our students a future employment opportunity or activity in Cyprus, considering the huge unemployment or underemployment in our country and the growth potential of the economy. Also the students will get new and innovative knowledge on the integrated management of aromatic medical plants. This knowledge will give them the ability to develop in the future a business in the area of aromatic plants, which has strong growth potential in our country. b) Gives our Educational Center the possibility to expand its horizons into Europec) Enriches the local community by upgrading the qualifications of the staff to emerge through such programsd) Benefits our partner by receiving the scalability of their business plans and partnerships.

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