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Öğrencilerin Bilgisayar Destekli İmalat Becerilerinin Güçlendirilerek İşgücü Piyasasına Hazırlanması
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The use of the computer-aided technologies, which short the duration of the work, minimize the errors and increase the effectiveness, is becoming widespread in parallel with the developing technology in the manufacturing sector. At this point, modelling and mass production of the machine parts cannot be carried out without the use of the computer-aided technologies. OSTIM (Middle East Industry and Trade Center) located in Ankara is the biggest small and medium-sized industrial production area with 5.000 member firms. 69% of the firms in OSTIM is active in the manufacturing sector and 62% of these firms is operating in the field of machine and metal. The enterprises in the region need the technicians who have professional experience and can actively use the modern technologies such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) and Computer Numerical Control (CNC). The course contents of Machine and Metal Technology Fields have been rearranged within the context of MEGEP (Project for Development of Vocational Training) in parallel with the developments in the sector and CAD, CAM and CNC subjects have been included in the curriculum. The course contents have been prepared on the basis of AUTOCAD and Solidworks programs for the computer-aided design of machine parts. İskitler Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (VTAHS), OSTİM VTAHS and GAZİ VTAHS have the infrastructure to provide this training. However, the production practices aren't adequately integrated into the training process because of the high cost of the systems used for the manufacture of machine parts with CAD,CAM and CNC and the infrastructure lacks of the schools. For that reason, the students can't gain the adequate practical skill and experience and have employment challenges in the fields they get trained. The aim of the project is to procure 36 students studying in the Machine and Metal Technology field at 11th and 12th grades in İSKİTLER VTAHS, OSTİM VTAHS and GAZİ VTAHS to improve their vocational qualifications in the computer aided manufacture of machine part, to be able to use CNC, CAD and CAM, to gain work experience and the qualifications needed to benefit from the existing employability opportunities in the region by improving their professional and personal competences. A consortium has been formed among İSKİTLER VTAHS, OSTİM VTAHS and GAZİ VTAHS under the chairmanship of Technical Training Foundation (TEV) and the organizations Huth Metallbau GmbH (Germany), DMF DIETFORST MACHINE FABRIEK BV (Netherlands) have been chosen as receiving partners. The preparation and dissemination activities will be carried out in the country to eliminate the possible vocational and foreign language deficiencies, to introduce the working environments to them and to adapt them to the receiving country within the project; the activities abroad are job shadowing, company visits and cultural activities. TEV will organize the activities planned and arrangements and monitor the process by providing coordination among the partners in order that the project can be executed in accordance with its goals. The content of the training abroad has been prepared by taking into account the needs of the participants, the qualifications required by the labor market and the opinions of the host organizations. The number of the students participating in each mobility will be limited to six students in order to increase the effectiveness of the training and accompanying teachers will be assigned to follow the progress of the participants and to support them. The project consists of six mobility processes. The participant students will be able to use CAD-CAM and CNC systems, acquire knowledge, skill and experience in the computer aided manufacture of machine parts, be familiarized with the innovative and successful practices and improve their vocational qualifications thanks to the project. Besides, they will improve their foreign language skills, be acquainted with different cultures, raise awareness of EU and active citizenship and improve themselves by gaining self-confidence and motivation. They will become preferred staff thanks to the acquisitions and certificates documenting these and their employment will be facilitated. The female students and other students with socio-economic and various disadvantages will also participate in the project. Thus, their self-confidence will improve and they will be encouraged to take place in all areas of social life. The human resources of the project partner schools will be strengthened through the communication networks to be created for sharing information and experience, the labor market will be strengthened through the improved qualifications of the participants and the service quality of the vocational schools in the region will be improved through the dissemination activities.
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