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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational training of students will be performed based on the request by Konštrukta-Industry, a.s. for which our students are being prepared.The company requires its employees to have knowledge necessary for operation of automated production lines, their assembly and maintenance, and to be familiar with the mentioned areas in foreign language. Such training can be provided by Förderöweein Berufsbildende Schule in Koblenz, Germany, our long-term partner that we already have experience with regarding vocational training of our students and our new partner from Italy Asocciazione "A Rocca" with longterm experiences on field of vocational training and european programs.We will select the third year students of “Mechanic – setter” and “Mechanic – electrician” fields of study, so that we can use their vocational training experience in the fourth year for the project promotion among the students of our school, the students of elementary schools and the public.For Italian part of project we select the third year students of "Carmechanics", so they will benefit from their knowledge and experience from our workshops and they will be able to get new specialized skills in injection systems and diagnostics of cars.Practical training will take place in specialized car services in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto form 4.10.2016 to 17.10.2016.Vocational training will take place in practical training laboratories of grammar school in the German city of Koblenz from 27. Oktober 2016 to 11. November 2016.In these laboratories, students will work with configurations of hydraulic and pneumatic control systems FESTO and central control units of production systems SPS (PLC), which they will first program (Fluid-Sim), test and debug on the computer, then integrate and test their functionality in practice. After functionality verification, the students will practically assemble them. This vocational training will be directed by Mr Ripplinger and Mr Valler.The students will acquire practical experience of application of their theoretical knowledge in practice and improve their foreign language competence not only in terms of everyday communication, but also in terms of technical terminology.After completing this vocational training, the students have an opportunity to become employees of Konštrukta-Industry, a.s.The students can also utilize the acquired knowledge in the future in their search for new employment in other companies, both in Slovakia and abroad.

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