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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is going to be executed by the technical vocational school ZSP in Sierakowice. The partner of this project is YouNet, an experienced Italian organization dealing with education, training and youth exchange. This mobility project will enable 18 students to undergo a training in agriculture (5 pupils due to a smaller number of students in class) and gastronomy (13 students). We have the principle of equal educational opportunities regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or religion. During the project the care for trainees will be provided by four English or German speaking teachers of vocational subjects (two teachers for each two weeks of the exchange). They will be in contact with and reporting to the project’s monitoring team. The students gaining knowledge in agriculture subjects are trained to ranch a traditional farm and now they would be keen on learning the natural cultivation methods. Whereas the students specializing in gastronomy want to master their skills in using organic foods produced in eco-friendly processes and healthy manners of preparing dishes. We aim at gaining and mastering skills connected with: - methods used on farms and in different places producing or serving food, - being acquainted with the production line (“from field to table”), - cultivating crops and using recipes in preparing dishes, - producing and using healthy products in everyday nutrition, - learning the Mediterranean cuisine recipes, including the Italian cuisine, using fresh and organic products, - organic ways of cultivating and protecting vegetables. Stages of our project: I. recruiting students willing to take part in the training, organizing language, cultural and pedagogical classes (September 2015 – March 2016), II. undergoing a four week foreign training (April 2016) – attachment no 2, III. evaluating the project and promoting its results. The mentioned training can significantly improve students’ interpersonal and vocational skills. Gained experience will enable the trainees to use new methods on farms and in places processing, preparing and serving food. What is more, they will learn specific professional competences, especially cultivating crops in an organic way and using natural ways of processing food. Students coming from rural areas will be able to get an equal start, strengthen their confidence, experience living and working abroad. They will also gain language skill concerning the vocational and practical aspects and take an active part in the international cooperation which should definitely increase their value in the European job market. Thanks to taking part in the projects teachers of vocational subjects will deepen their practical knowledge, which will influence the future quality of their work. Such a teacher, during explaining the agricultural and nutritional aspects of producing and processing food will be able to ground his or her of information on actual experience. Not to mention the fact that he or she will have an opportunity to exchange knowledge and methods with the foreign partners, develop international cooperation and master different languages. A school which organizes training abroad becomes more innovative and attractive to future students and the local community. Thanks to this it can also no longer be perceived as small and provincial but will gain its European dimension instead.
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