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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea for the project imposed us as appropriate action against socio-economic challenges that affected Europe in recent years. The deepening of the crisis and with it the problems of unemployment especially among young people , the problem of children left behind by parents migrating for work and, finally, problems with finding work for people with disabilities . These issues deals with our project . The main objective of the project is to stimulate the activity of young people in the direction of finding their interests , talents , passions and develop through active preparation for a future profession . The key seems to us indication of the relationship between the passion and satisfaction of the future profession. The project aims to equip young people with the knowledge , skills, and develop the attitude that will help in the future to find and retain the dreamed job. That same objectives are subordinated to all activities in the project spread over two years its duration. The target group of the project are students aged 14 years and more , who are already beginning to think about their future through the prism of further learning and work. In addition, the results of the project are to help all unemployed people who can use the tools developed by us to better identify their strengths and find a job . During the first year of the project we will focus on the interests of students . In each partner school we will fulfill , among others, the final of the competition for the logo design , will conduct competitions for the interests of young people and organize exhibitions related to them. We will also want our students to encourage others to engage in similar to their passions. We will also organize workshops " Why should I have a hobby " for disadvantaged youth . We will also work on the implementation of part of a media professional aptitude test developed by students for students. Periodically we will meet people of passion and participate in events related to the implementation of interest. In the second year, will guide our actions into the world of work and occupations. The starting point will be to present the state of knowledge of our students about educational opportunities and gain professional skills and to have priority at gaining and maintaining jobs in each of the partner countries , analysis and comparison of these data These results will be presented on the project website . We will organize a conference call on youth unemployment and labor markets in the partner countries . During it we will share our knowledge with the project partners and professionals . This meeting will bring together representatives of the various institutions involved in the local labor market. Materials from the conference will be included in the guide " From passion to profession"prepared by us. Partner countries will prepare a leaflet on the rare and vanishing professions and during working visits pupils will create a map of the future professions . An integral part of our work will be meeting with alumni and people performing interesting occupations who will share with students the knowledge and experience of the educational path and career . We also are planning to organize competition " My dream job " in all partner countries . Parallel to all actions we will lead a series of workshops about different profession for handicapped pupils . During the pupil's exchanges in Spain and Turkey we will conduct for them workshops and training developing their interests and acquisition of key skills useful in finding work. Students will meet with people who have unusual profession, visit local workplaces to know their characteristics and explore the labor markets in the partner countries. Our project has to influence the widest possible number of beneficiaries who are anticipated to increase inter cultural awareness as well as overcoming stereotypes and prejudices. Recipients of the project will discover their strengths, develop interests , shall inherit the knowledge, skills and attitudes that in the future will help them build the profession they wish to pursue. The participants are also expected to increase in self-awareness and initiative towards self-development. The project will also also increase language and computer skills. Students will engage in the life of the local community and the teachers will have the opportunity to meet the education systems in partner countries, exchange of experience which will certainly proof rewarding in their daily work.

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3 Partners Participants