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"Od muzyki absolutnej do programowej na bazie twórczości J. S. Bacha i J. Garści"
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"From the absolute to program music on the basis of J.S.Bach and J. Gar?cia ?. Submitted project aims at improving and acquiring practical skills in the field of performance of polyphonic music of J.S.Bach and program music of J.Gr?cia for the piano, accordeon and the choir. The target participants of the project were 40 students of the State Primary School of Music in Jelenia Góra. Classes of teaching music had individual and group character. Traditional forms of work applied so far were completed and enhanced with classes in the R.Schumann Musical Gymnasium as well as the J.S.Bach Music School in Lipsk, Gewandhaus Philharmony, Laboratory of Sound in Conservatory of Music in Lipsk, Museum of J.S.Bach and by listening concerts with J.S.Bach?s pieces played by students and professional musicians in Lipsk. Participants also took part in the concerts of J.S.Bach music. The analysis of the program music of J.Gar?cia was made by the students. Creativity of the students was developed through looking for coexistence of various music sounds constituting the new quality of piano, choir and accordion music. Efforts to connect the sounds, to contrast melodies and to look for new solutions definitely developed imagination and practical abilities of the participants. The participants acquired the abilities to apply contrast dynamics, to deal with stage-fright, to use efficiently the voice, to cooperate with accompaniment, to listen well to oneself and others, to use basic music elements in learning to play instruments and sing. They enhanced their feelings of aesthetics, they learned to control stage behaviour and concert stress. Due to applied form of classes they have integrated in international group and learned had to work in own country. Individual classes in the field of theory and practical performance were held by German teachers of music with cooperation with Polish teachers consulting performing of all-time pieces and program music during rehearsals and concerts. Acquired practical skills were certified by German partner. Organizer of the project together with the German partner got more experience to use in the further educational activity and preparing the youth to play music of J.S.Bach as an obligatory composer during auditions and concerts in Poland and abroad. The course of workshop classes was monitored by: Headmaster of the school, three teachers, workers of coordination partner as well as German teachers directly teaching the youth. The applicant of the project accomplished the placement in the period from 29th of June to 10th of July 2015.
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