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Observer pour mieux construire l'Europe
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

« Observer pour mieux construire Europe » is a European Voluntary Service project. It has been created by the Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles in collaboration with two cultural associations : « Macaz Association » from Romania and « Stranaidea CSC » from Italy. In this context, we would like to host in Brussels two volunteers for a 12 months period. The matter of our project is « I am responsible for building the world around me ». As stated previously, every volunteer with have his own room, his own example and his own tutor. He will be helped and supported by somebody not only during the start-up of new projects but also with already operating projects. He will belong to a team who works in collaboration with associations, instructors, circus students and artists from different backgrounds. We would like to encourage the volunteer to develop a personal project according to his aspirations. We will help him to achieve his goals in social, communication, stage and events management fields. He will also get to know how a specific association works. Thus, we want him to enjoy our association so he will be able to create his own project or business afterwards. In addition, the purposes of this project match well with the objectives of Jeunesse en Action, as they are based on the volunteer's engagement with youth activities and their context. So he will become aware of his active citizenship, both general and particularly European. Furthermore, this project focuses on two non-formal education methods: ?learning by experience? and ?thinking of learning?. Nevertheless, during the whole residency other different methods will be used: circus, role-playing games, multicultural environment team works, brainstorming, evaluation methods (testimony), etc.
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