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Ο νέος θεσμός της μαθητείας-Μεταφορά καλών πρακτικών για τη συνεργασία της επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης με τη βιομηχανία, για την πρακτική άσκηση των μαθητών.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed training program was designed and formulated by the Committee of the Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, so that teachers of Vocational Education and Training will be trained under the dual education system functioning in our country.Officials of various vocations will take part in the program, from five (5) partner schools (three 3 Professional Schools and two 2 Laboratory Centres) of C Secondary Education of Athens, with the aim of becoming acquainted with a successful dual training system, such that of Germany.From the new school year, the Ministry of Education and teachers of Technical and Vocational Education are invited to implement the new Law on Reconstructing Secondary Education (N.4186 / 2013 -FEK 193 / A / 2013) by operating the ''Apprenticeship Order" anticipating the proper implementation and success of the institution.The main objective of the proposed project is to support the participating teachers to acquire knowledge and skills in the dual system and transfer the good practices in the schools of our country.The plan provides two streams in different regions of Germany, so that participants will have the widest possible awareness and be given the opportunity to havea complete picture of the overall structure of the dual training system .Hosts were suggested by the Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education due to the long experience in the implementation of this system in Germany and the good practices applied.The Host Institution in the first flow is the German Crafts Chamber (Handwerkskammer) of Münster (Bismarckallee 1, 48151 Münster), a link between companies and schools. The craft chamber has its own training center, Handwerkskammer Bildungszentrum Münster, and works with a large number of SMEs for the apprenticeship of students.The Host Institution in the second stream is the Professional High School (Berufskolleg) Opladen (Stauffenbergstraße 21 - 23, 51379 Leverkusen), with extensive experience in implementing apprenticeship programs. They collaborate with industries, both large and small ones ,and will transfer the proven and successful experiences from the practice of school students in the companies of the region.The program includes presentations by the host institutions, all dual system parameters as well as visits to selected stakeholders (companies, schools) so that participants will become acquainted with the application of the system and the role of schools, chambers and companies.The main subjects which will be presented are:• The Dual System of Germany - Characteristics of the dual education system• Transition from Education to the Labour Market • Learning methods in the dual system• Advantages and problems of dual education• Apprenticeship section• Functioning of Apprenticeship(Public Education-School-Company)• Supervising Apprenticeship• Training contract between company and apprentice • The role of Schools-Champers-Companies• State-recognized training occupationThe contact of the trainees with a country that relies its educational system on the institution of apprenticeship will give them the necessary skills to face new educational challenges with significant qualifications so that they will contribute to better a implementation of the new dual education system.The potential long-term benefits will be the recognition of Technical and Vocational Education in Greek society, change of attitude of companies towards the institution of apprenticeships and reduction of youth unemployment.

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