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O krok vpred s etwinningom
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our organization ?Základná ?kola Dargovských hrdinov v Humennom? will become place of autonomy, creativity and modern methods of education by realization of the project entitled ?O krok vpred s etwinningom?. We will develop autonomy , communication skills , teamwork , ability to solve problems, create good working atmosphere throught the internationalization of education. We will directed teaching towards preparing students for life and work in new conditions of European workshop. The main activities of project are courses in Malta , the course in the Czech Republic, training of eTwinning, realisation of eTwinning projects and courses in England. 5 teachers will attend two courses in Malta, 15 teachers will attend training of eTwinning, 2 teachers will attend one course in the Czech Republic and 5 teachers two courses in England. The first course in Malta is called The Playground Classroom - Methodology for Primary School , the second Professional Development for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. The first course called Teacher Development Course and the second course called ICT - Using technology in the classroom will be in England. We will focus throught the realisation of the project activities mainly on the development of language skills , professional skills ,using of IC , inclusion of ICT in the learning process through the using of eTwinning portal, personal growth , development of human resources , application of advanced technologies verified in the world and in Slovak schools , increasing computer literacy teaching staff and pupils , improvement of teaching oriented not only to acquire new knowledge , but also for their practical using in real life. We will respect requirements of the knowledge society and we will develop mainly competencies of students by using modern technologies (ICT , Web 2.0 tools ) , present their work through the eTwinning portal, communicate with new partners from other EU countries , to develop communication language competencies . The teachers will spread informations and materials from courses in Malta and the Czech Republic and they will promote Erasmus+ program , our institution , its activities , activities of students at national and international level through eTwinning portal. They will create a blog of our project , where they will report about its entire course. Participating teachers will create various videos from courses, and presentations of the visited places. These videos and presentations will be served to students as teaching tools. The teachers who attended courses in England named School projects and international partnerships through the Internet will contact teachers from other countries , they will cooperate in projects and potential mobilities in the realisation of eTwinning projects . They will agree on the themes and aims for the future projects . They will share created materials . Participants will publish articles in newspapers and publish articles on the school website after finishing of the project. Project results will be disseminated in intercultural communication between teachers and pupils. Our school will become a place of joyful learning through the implementation of eTwinning projects.
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4 Partners Participants