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NYP(2) Project Education and Employment
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The theme of this exchange was education and employment and the project brought 9 staff and 32 young people from two organization in two cities NYP 2 in Dublin and Gesamtpschule Bockmulle in Essen and involved them in drama session, workshops and discussion around the issues associated with the theme. There was also a programme around social, cultural and sporting activities which gave the young people a chance to get to know each other and helped build up good working relationships amoungst them. The project focused on getting the young people to discuss each others backgrounds and experiences around youth education and employment. Both partner organization work with young people from different back grounds so the overall theme of the exchange is relevant in the current difficult economic times. The venue for the exchange was the Cavan Centre Ballyjamesduff Co Cavan, During the exchange the young people used Art, Drama and Music to discuss the main theme, they were split into three main workshop groups and at the end of the exchange they presented to each other their findings.
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1 Partners Participants