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NVR/NA in een voorziening voor personen met een mentale beperking
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since several years we have been working in our institution, MPC Sint-Franciscus, with the NVR/NA- ideas. NVR stands for Non-violent Resistance. NA stands for New Authority. Both terms are defined by Professor Haim Omer. NA is a basic attitude that we expect from all our colleagues. NVR helps us in a nonviolent way to react to violence/negative conduct. All living groups are actively getting started with NVR/NA. At present there is a multi-annual plan designed for 2018 in order to distribute NVR/NA so widely in our facilities, so that new employees also experience that this NVR/NA is our basic vision/basic attitude. In order to achieve this, our care coordinators need continue training. Within this body of thought there is a continuous evolution. NVR/NA originally aimed at the ambulatory work with parents. Over the years there has been a transition to residential facilities and specific target groups. We think it's very important to be well informed concerning these developments. This is important in order to maintain the quality of our internal formations. Therefore, consultation with, and education by foreign partners is very important. On that account we want to submit a project. Through this project, we expect that the participants gain knowledge that can be implemented within the specific needs of our facilities. This knowledge is about learning from other NVR/NA in specific target groups, parent trainings and implementation. This should help ourselves and our colleagues to spread the NVR/NA thought and to implement in our institution. We also want to spread this knowledge more to the parents and to enlarge the parents ' involvement in our project. In addition, we want to broaden our skills in managing people and improving teams and teamwork. This project proposal targets in particular to the project leaders, family counsellors and care coordinators, mentors of adults and the team mentors of NVR. In short, those people who are expected to spread the ideas NVR/NA. We expect 6 people to participate. Specifically we aim two foreign courses: 1. ' The Bascule ' is a psychiatric facility in Amsterdam. They are a pioneer in working with NVR/NA in a residential setting. This feature has a lot of experience in transferring NVR/NA to residential care. They also make the transfer to specific target groups. They have trained all their supply and have a lot of experience in integrating NVR/NA in a facility. They have experience with coaching people, managing teams and appoint the pitfalls as well as benefits. We are planning a two-day training course in their institution. 2. ' Partnership project’ from the UK is headed by Peter Jacob. He has a lot of experience with NVR/NA and multiproblem families. He uses NVR/NA in families in very complex situations. He has experiences with parent training (parents exercise in the methods, concepts of NVR/NA). We would like to follow a three-day training. Moreover we would like to broaden the network of our own organisation at the international congress for mentors of people with a intellectual disabillity. After the project, we expect that the participants have more knowledge about content and that they can make a transfer to the specific target group of our facilities. It is expected that the NVR/NA-ideas will be widely spread in our facilities. It is expected from all participants that they write a text about what specifically apply in their work area. These texts are distributed internally and externally. We will draw up a master-text on the ideas of ‘new authority” for adults. Participants must be able to coach to others what they have learned. We want to exchange our ideas with external partners, regionally, even nationally. When NVR/NA is distributed in our facility, this will lead to another basic attitude from our educators. We expect that this will show up in the number of aggression notifications. We will organise a specific trainig course for parents. It is intended that we use these formations not only to implement in our NVR/NA residential facility, but also to promote it further to the home context. It is therefore important that the family caregivers are informed in order to strengthen/support parents in this. As a long-term objective, we expect an atmosphere and climate change in our facilities. In the perspective plan 2018 is mentioned that we want to be a welfare facility that ‘radiates’ NVR/NA. We expect that these courses will contribute to this purpose.
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