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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A) Socio – educational context.We are an Infant and Primary School, located in a small rural town in the interior of the Cadiz province. Our educational offer includes infant education, primary education and special education (3-11 years). Our social and educational context is diverse and accentuated by its rural nature. The socioeconomic status of the families is quite low and unequal. A high percentage of families are at risk of social exclusion due to the lack of household income and their sporadic engagement in agricultural work.B ) Project Objectives .In accordance with our needs , the goals we pursue are:- Acquire new methodological approaches , resources and tools for innovation in teaching.- Acquire new ways of learning, applied in the classroom, to ensure the attention to each child´s individual needs.- Acquire new methodological approaches that promote the effective inclusion of students with SEN in mainstream classes.- Learn new ways of teaching/learning and educational resources to develop bilingual teaching through international observation.- Increase our language skills in English teaching as a Bilingual Centre.- Acquire competences, abilities and professional skills that allow us to innovate our teaching and implement strategies to ensure the attention to each child´s individual needs.C ) Number and profile of the participants. Seven candidates will be selected by rigorous means, using a series of criteria, that will be transparent, objective and agreed by a selection committee of the School´s Board of Governers. The criteria to be addressed are the following .- Permanent / temporary teaching staff with English language skills needs.- Staff with training needs regarding methodological approaches and new learning.- Staff with pedagogical concerns, communication skills and planning.D ) Description of Activities.1. Initial activities .1.1 Self- learning sessions about the country to be visited and general features of the its education system.1.2 Self- learning sessions to find information and background information on innovative teaching methods. 2. Main activities .21. Structured training courses on new methodological approaches , tools, new ways of learning and professional skills for methodological innovation.2.2 .Visits to schools with innovative educational models to observe good educational practices, diversity within ways of working, quality methodological approaches that address student diversity.2. 3. Social, Educational and Cultural Immersion in the counties and schools visited and with the host teachers.3. Subsequent Activities . 3.1 . Training sessions in the school, given by the teachers who participated in the main activity sessions. 3.2 . Establishment of working groups of teachers organised by educational levels. With the aim of organising new methodological approaches, new ways of learning ... 3.3 Regular meetings to evaluate and monitor of process of improvement and transformation at the school.3. 4. Educational activities for the implementation of the new educational model.3.5. Activities related to the difussion of the project.E) Methodology.- The methodology is characterised as being participatory, active, reflective and critical , promoting investigation , innovation and experimentation applied in our classrooms. We will favour learning spaces and the exchange of good practices, especially with the teachers selected . We will organise working groups between teachers of different levels, organising work sessions and reflecting on the new educational model that we want to design and implement at the school.F) Results and Impact . The results will be measurable in the short / medium term and long term , and will depend on the recipients and participants. 1. For teachers: To acquire new skills in terms of new methodological approaches, to increase the linguistic competence in English of the participants and to improve the teaching of the subject at school. 2. For the School: New Educational Model, New Philosophy of Teaching and Learning . Innovation and Curricular Development ... 3. For students : A model of meaningful learning, moving away from the traditional model, contextualized, bilingual, participatory and cooperative, including the acquisition of skills, competencies and abilities that contribute to an integral education and equal opportunities. In the long term we aim to create our own innovative educational model that promotes quality in education and ensures equal opportunities and equality.

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