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Nowoczesne technologie szansą na rozwój kreatywności i innowacyjności absolwentów szkół zawodowych
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is devoted to students of Technical Secondary School number 6 which is a part of Complex of Agrotechnological Secondary Schools in Słupsk, Poland. These students are educated in the profession of analyst technician. It will be a group of 17 students with 2 tutors. The students' taking part in the project is the answer to a great interest in new technologies, the necessity to deepen professional skills during the practice and willingness to meet European cultures. The main goal of the project is to improve the education and professional training system for students of our school as well as to perfect the key professional skills. The additional goal is to arouse the motivation to learn among the students, meeting new technologies, improving the skill to exist on European job market and learning foreign languages. Professional practice in Spain will enable our students to gain new professional experience, to equal educational opportunities among trainees, who mainly come from rural areas and their social and economic position is really difficult. The result of taking part in the project will be gaining the certificate confirming taking part in the practice abroad which will surely make it easier to get an attractive and well-paid job in the profession which they are learning. In the project it is assumed that students will go to Spain for 4 weeks in April and May 2015. There will also be 2 teachers who are going to look after the trainees as well as supervise the realization of the training. The participants are going to be chosen among students of the second form, whose professional practice is the element of their syllabus. All participants of the project - apart from acquiring new professional skills - will be deepening their knowledge of foreign language, especially a professional one, and enriching it with new vocabulary connected with their activities. Other results of taking part in the foreign training - apart from gaining professional knowledge and skills - is also development of social skills, such as: communication, the ability to work in a group and the growth of self-esteem and self-confidence. All new experience of the training will be useful for them when they are going to start their professional careers which will contribute in a noticeable way to strengthen their competitiveness as employees of different branches of industry. Hard results: - the number of trainees: 17 students - every participant will receive a Europass-Mobile certificate and European CV certificate Soft results: - growth of motivation to learn - gaining the knowledge of professional foreign language - growth of creativity and ability to take decisions - ability to create their own future - improvement of skills connected with communication and working in a group - growth of self-esteem and self-confidence
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