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Nowoczesna szkoła otwarta na wyzwania współczesnej Europy
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Erasmus+ will include nine teachers from First Secondary School in Szubin. The project is aimed at improving the institution's work in the European dimension. It is a long-term action focused on preparing the teaching staff to implement the project method based on international cooperation, which is an important element of the school development strategy. PROJECT TITLE: ‘We want to be modern school open to the challenges of contemporary Europe’ PROJECT OBJECTIVES are: to develop the sense of initiative among students and school staff, improve the language skills and other competencies of the school staff, to promote linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness among students, develop basic and interdisciplinary skills with particular emphasis on entrepreneurship, digital literacy, multilingualism, mathematics and science generally. Furthermore, the objective is to develop a sense of European citizenship among the students, as well as the opening of the school towards Europe and the implementation of innovative methods and new tools in teaching. Our goal is also combating failures in education and providing students with the skills necessary to find their place on today's job market. PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: The participants are a group of nine teachers from 1st Secondary School in Szubin. A strong part of the group are the teachers of foreign languages (2 English and 2 German teachers). Their participation in the project will help to raise the level of teaching foreign languages in the school. The other five teachers are the representatives of both Science ( Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Safety Education) and the Humanities (Polish language, History and Social Studies). Four of them will be taught general English. The remaining person (teacher of Mathematics) will be taught the use of CLIL in the teacher’s daily work with students. Thanks to the linguistic training of our teachers and their acquaintance with the Integrated Learning Concept, it will be possible to incorporate CLIL gradually into teaching in our school. Consistent action in this area (during the project and after its completion), as well as constant improvement of the language competence of teachers will make it possible to introduce English as the second language in our school. ACTION: The main part of the project action is the teachers’ participation in language courses abroad. The other actions include: the promotion of culture and European heritage in class, continuation of Maths classes in English, establishment of contacts with teachers from other countries, becoming acquainted with CLIL method, the attempt to implement it in our school, keeping track of new publications in foreign languages by teachers, the implementation of innovative methods of teaching in all classes as well as modern motivational techniques and ICT skills. A very important action is also to co-work with a partner school and to strengthen the position of the school in the local environment so that our institution could become competitive in comparison with other schools in the region. RESULTS: As a result of training undertaken, foreign language teachers will refresh their language skills and increase the attractiveness of their lessons through sharing experience with other course participants. (thanks to the use of innovative teaching methods and multimedia). The teachers teaching other subjects will improve language skills, which will enable them to use foreign sources of knowledge. The ICT skills among teachers will also rise, which will increase the frequency and quality of media used during the lessons. The students will also benefit from the cooperation with other schools as they will have the opportunity to practice a foreign language by communicating with native speakers, broaden their cultural knowledge and worldviews. LONG-TERM BENEFITS: The primary long-term benefit for the school is to establish international cooperation with a partner school. Moreover, through participation in the project the school will be seen in the local environment as an institution open to Europe, bold enough to introduce innovations and facing challenges. After gaining foreign experience the teachers will continue their personal development on a regular basis, aware of the fact that the training should go beyond the borders of our country and that a foreign language is a communication tool that opens many new opportunities of acquiring knowledge.
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